Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wet Wednesday

I am pleased we are now well into the dry winter months which are meant to be full of bright crisp but sunny days.  If that is what we are meant to be having, we are well away from what is really happening.

The weekend and Monday were wet and rainy.  We experienced 210mls of rain during that time when the monthly June average is half that!  Yesterday saw a respite from the gloomy conditions but the overcast showery weather has returned today with showers extending to rain forecast for this afternoon

It is expected to clear tomorrow morning and we will return to cool mornings but sunny days.  There should be top temps around 20 degrees but hopefully it will be warmer than that in our enclosed back yard.

I bottled yesterday as the photo above left indicates.  I now give my bottles and extra 'rinse' prior to bottling trying to overcome some of my recent hassles.  The truth of it all will be in the tasting a month or two away just yet!

We try and get out for a meal each week with friends Ian and Kerrie and try somewhere different each time. With a respite from the wet weather yesterday we tried the "Headland Golf Club".  This golf cub has daily lunches and is situated on the hills just behind Mooloolaba.

As you can see from this photo, the view from the Clubhouse where we ate is quite spectacular.  The photo also shows what a pleasant day yesterday was as well. The alcohol was well priced but the meal service was surprisingly slow.

But when our lunches did arrive we were delighted in what we received.

Click on all photos for a larger view.

The ladies ordered a 'parmigiana'.  It wasn't one of those massed produced jobs you usually get at pubs and clubs. The meat appeared to have been cooked fresh along with the sauces.  It was delicious.  I had a glorious "Shepherd's Pie" and Ian enjoyed a "Burger".  We will be adding the Headland Golf Club to a spot to take visitors for a meal.

We have decided to ensure the glorious food wasn't just a one-off and that we should try it again in a week or two.
Trish is at Stitchers this morning.  I am having a quiet day at home for a change.

The noisy dog next door which plays up when the owners are away has been very quiet the last day or so and hasn't been a problem.  I had words with the neighbour again last Friday about it and expressed my frustration with what was happening.  I am not in her list of favorite people right now.  It must have had some effect though as everything has been OK with the dog and its barking since then.

We are currently watching the US 'Spy' series called "The Americans".  We have two episodes to go to complete the first series.  With showers due to continue after lunch we may finish the final two episodes later today.

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