Friday, June 28, 2013

I Am Slipping!

Please keep the following information 'in house' as it may damage my reputation.  Instead of installing a pirate copy of a 'pay for' app on my phone yesterday, I actually paid for one!  It was a new experience, I had never paid for a 'app' on my phone before!  There are pirate versions of most apps out there at the same places I get my movies and TV shows.

However apps which are for Australian services and users are not so easy to find.

I am pretty keen on weather stuff.  Trish would say 'obsessed'. I have downloaded and installed around 10 different weather apps on my phone over the last couple of years.  However many of them get their info from services such as Weatherzone, Yahoo etc. 

Many of these apps update slowly and give you the temperature what it was 2 hours ago rather than instant stuff from our Australian Weather Bureau (Bureau of Meteorology - BOM).  Then when I travel to Melbourne the app goes into meltdown when I want to swap to local Melbourne information.

You check the temperature on the phone and it tells you it is 18 degrees but when you head outside it is obvious that it is much cooler than that.

There is one app which gets its information instantaneously from the Australian BOM and it is called "Pocket Weather".  It cost me $1-99!

The wind direction has changed overnight giving us milder but showery weather.  There were 11mls in the gauge this morning and we have a showery week in front of us (so Pocket Weather tells me). It was too wet to ride my bike.

At last the brew I have had on has stopped 'working' allowing me to bottle it all this morning. The photo above left shows the container drying outside.

We ate at yet another Bowling Club yesterday for our lunch. It was good pub fare, not expensive but more filling rather than flavorsome.  For $12 you get a reasonably sized meal and a drink.  I managed a schooner of Carlton Draught for $4-20 which is the best price I have come across recently.

Trish is at Quilters today.  As she is not a involved with the Quilters committee it is an easy day for her.  I had some stuff to sort out for the Community Association yesterday which all worked out OK.  We have our AGM coming up in a month or so and needed to sort out the Treasurer's position for 2013/4.

Friends Ian and Kerrie are still in Sydney and the other couple (John and Margaret) are caught up with family over the last week or so.  School holidays commenced in Queensland a week ago. Therefore we won't be having drinks as per usual today.  There will be plenty of footy on though.  And there is tennis from Wimbledon as well!

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