Sunday, March 03, 2013

Some Respite

Today the weather forecast has moved from "Rain" to "Showers".  We actually had a little sunshine earlier today just before lunch.  Since the rain started Friday afternoon until just now we have had another 190mls of rain all up!  That is a little over 1100 mls in total so far in 2013!  That is a lot of rain, around 44" in the old terms!

And the weather bureau says we can expect showers for the rest of the week.

My bike is again for sale!

Drinks was extremely convivial on Friday and I should also add we were very well behaved!  It was a fun time.

Computer Club was a little quiet on Saturday because of the wet weather but I was kept busy enough helping people out.

Despite requiring hearing aids, I do enjoy listening to quality sound on my sound system.  As I now have my new $200 amplifier I have discovered I can play Digital Theatre Sound (DTS) files from my Media Player through the amp and get full DTS sound.  There isn't a lot of commercial music around which is DTS in quality, so people try to 'create' their own DTS soundtracks by manipulating their current music files.  Some work really great, others aren't quite so good. Some complete CD's come as just a single DTS track

The last day or so I have been combing download sites to find DTS audio cd's, whether commercially made or put together by home enthusiasts.  I have had a ball.  Using trial and error (along with a failure or two) I have discovered how to download a long single DTS music file and to 'rip' it into its individual tracks.  

In between time I have been enjoying the footy on TV and enduring the cricket live from India.

As I purchased some more clean bottles recently I already have enough empties to get ready for another brew.  The brew went on around an hour ago!  Half the bottles will be 'new' so they don't need the same level of cleaning as re-use bottles do.  This will make bottle washing a little easier later in the week.

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