Monday, January 21, 2013

Farewell Termites!

It is a little cooler today, a couple of degrees less than yesterday's warm 32 degrees or so.  The wind is light and blowing from the east, straight in off the sea.

Regretfully the wind is across from the new housing development so our home needs to remain locked up with windows and doors shut to keep the dust at bay.

Is it any wonder we enjoy it here.  These couple of photos were taken on my ride this morning.  The top (above left) photo is of Pumicestone Passage right near our popular fish 'n chip lunch spot.  It was a beautiful morning when I took this photo.  All up it was a 13.5k bike ride for me.  Meanwhile Trish has been bike riding as well and she did over 40 minutes as well this morning.

The second shot seen here is a narrow pathway I follow away from the beach just as I head for home.  It is a very pretty part of the world.

Not a lot of other news about right now.  Trish stayed awake last night until it was 6 all in the fifth set of the Wawrinka Vs Djokovic tennis match.  I adjourned a little earlier at 2 sets all.  The water for my pre-bed swim in our pool was sensational last evening, around 28 degrees in the water and just delightful and cooling.

It is a little noisy right now.  The Pest Control people are back today drilling holes to fix the two 'breaches' in our termite protection.  Our patio and driveway are both built 'above' the termite protection barrier which allows the little animals entry into the home.

Holes are being drilled along near the front door as well as all along the back wall of the house and the soil beneath is force flooded with chemicals which kills termites. This will act as a barrier and keep the little pests out!

Click on all photos for a larger view.

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