Wednesday, January 16, 2013

24 Hours Later

I am again happy and contented.  The PC took an extra 24 hours than first expected but it is now back home and running OK.  There are a few times over the last few months when the PC freezes during startup.  This happens around once every two or three weeks.  A restart gets it running fine again. Needless to say, when the tech guy first re started the PC after replacing the blown power supply it froze on startup.

This led the tech to want to see what the problem was.  He has managed to fix this sort of problem with other PC's previously with just a good clean up inside, dismantle the pieces, clean everything and then put it all back together again.

So the PC has had the power supply replaced and had a good clean out inside.  Dust and humidity spikes are major contributors to computer problems especially around where we live.  The replacement power supply was $110 and I was charged a further $66 for labor.  I reckon I have done pretty well!  It is repaired and I have had a major clean up as well.

Trish is back into the full swing of Stitchers again.  They have their first meeting for 2013 today.  At a major Committee Meeting on Monday Trish has been offered either the Secretary's job or the Vice President's role for the whole Caloundra Arts Centre Association.  She is thinking about what she will do.  It is quite a feather in her cap to be offered either position.

Movie and TV Show downloading has been quite frenetic the last few days with lots of new series restarting, especially on the UK's BBC.  This wasn't helped by the end of my Internet Month.  Having been in Melbourne for two weeks of the last month, I had heaps of download available to me.  I managed to get through 95% of my monthly quota!

They had a "Curries" night at the Bowls Club last night.  I had a curry while Trish had roast lamb.  My serve of curry wasn't overly generous and Trish found her roast lacking flavour. 

A cool S/E change swept in on Monday afternoon.  Yesterday was a cooler 28 degrees and today we are looking at around 29.  There was no need for the ceiling fan while we slept last night.  The pool has slumped to 24.5 degrees overnight.  It was almost 32 degrees in the pool on Monday!

They are suggesting 35 degrees for Saturday but a cooler day should follow.  The gazebo will go back up again for that.

Usually January is one of the wettest months.  So far this year we have had a mere 7mls of rain such is the dry weather we have been having.  With everything so dry the dust off the new estate nearby is a constant problem when the wind is from the east.  Doors and windows need to be closed just to keep the dust out on these days.

There will be more tennis and cricket on TV today so that will keep me happy!

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