Saturday, December 03, 2011

Cooling Off

After a blast of perfect swimming pool weather here, a cooler south easterly change Thursday afternoon has returned temps to the mid 20's with overnight mid to high teens.

The change came through late in the afternoon Thursday with localized heavy falls. Here we got a mere 7mls, enough to top the pool up a little, while at the Caloundra race course about 4k's away they got 29mls. Some areas of Caloundra lost power as strong winds accompanied the change while here at our place it wasn't much of an event at all.

We had the final Community Association management committee meeting on Monday evening which meant my Tuesday was busy getting the website up to date and writing letters or emails. It was Newsletter delivery day as well and I had to get out and deliver my 110 copies to local homes. Tuesday was fairly busy ... and hot.

With Christmas not too far away and our trip to Melbourne to be with the family, it is time to get my 'home brew supplies' up to date and ready for visitors who may come up in the New Year. I have two brews on the go which means double brewing, double washing and double bottling. It won't be too bad as I will be using large 1.25 litre Coca Cola bottles for the second brew. Both brews are bubbling away as I type. I will be washing heaps of bottles tomorrow.

Of course the First Test from Brisbane is on right now as well which keeps me fully occupied during the daylight hours.

A week or so ago I bought a new power board online at one of the daily 'specials' websites. It has individual switches and buttons which 'light up' when turned on. This one has a couple of USB power connectors as well for charging phones, keyboard mice etc. It has a RRP of over $120 but on special online it cost a little over $30. There is no shortage of individually switched power surge protected power points now. I especially like to 'totally' switch off my PC overnight so I find the individual switches excellent.

Trish has been busy with Stitchers and Quilters and other CACA Committee issues. She receives a couple of calls most days with issues or just a quiet chat.

Movies have been good this week. Last night we watched George Clooney in "Ides Of March". We have also seen "Albert Nobbs" and "Red Dog" this week. "Tyrannosaur" was another interesting movie as well. Most have "For Your Consideration" on them which means they are copies for judges at the Academy Awards to view prior to nominations.

I am about to get ready for Computer Club in an hour or so. I plan to be back home fairly early to again enjoy the Test Cricket on TV. There is plenty of sunshine today so we may even get a full day's play.

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