Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Week Has Gone By!

I didn't realise it had been so long since my last post. I try to get two or three posts per week but obviously this time I have been caught out.

As most of you will know areas of Brisbane near the river were flooded with residents having their homes go completely underwater. Today the water has almost gone and up to 50,000 volunteers have helped people rip out the whole interior of their homes for removal to city dumps. Slowly but surely the rebuilding will begin again soon. In the meantime many many families will need to find alternative accommodation.

Lately much of our time here at home has been spent cleaning. The 'beer garden' has been pressure sprayed to remove a build up of mould and dirt. The windows hadn't been cleaned for some time so everything now looks heaps better. I have also added footing to the fence so now all is enclosed. We extended the height of the fence to add to our privacy. The small place next door is a rental property and the last couple of renters have not proved to be that welcome. It all looks much better and cleaner.

I also got stuck into cleaning one of the drop down blinds across the pergola. It had become mouldy and needed a good clean. I did some of the windows there too as well as the outdoor table and chairs. All is looking much better!
This photo shows the clean blind at the end of the pergola. The rolled up blind to the right on this photo was the really dirty one which required a lot of work to get clean again.

Over the last few days the summer weather has returned. It was up to 35 degrees in our small sheltered backyard yesterday morning so the cleaning work was curtailed somewhat. The pool was around 28 degrees this morning after my 12.5k bike ride. I actually got in a 16k ride the other day.

A nephew Beau is now living temporarily here on the coast with his girl friend and her family. Beau popped in for some computer stuff and to say hi. We enjoyed several home brews and a swim. It was good to see him.

I was back to Computer Club last Saturday again while Trish has begun her Stitchers group today and will go to Quilters on Friday.

We downloaded, watched and enjoyed The King's Speech" the other night. Trish had decided to pass on watching the movie "The Fighter" but after it won Golden Globe Awards she thought she must check it out. Though it has some boxing in it, it isn't too brutal and she enjoyed it.

Our daughter Kim is gallivanting around India on a motor bike right now. She says she is called "The Indian Barbie". We manage to keep in touch via Facebook messaging. Needless to say she is having a ball and loving it all.

As a strange quirk of fate, after all the recent rain and the pool overflowing, I now need a decent shower of rain to top the pool up again. The water diverter is turned to "On" and the hose is now waiting to "add" water to the pool!

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