Thursday, January 27, 2011

Beautiful Weather Returns

The weather has been great for the last few days, low 30's each day and usually clear blue skies. Interestingly, the nights have been cool, sometimes dipping to the high teens.

I have been bike riding most mornings somewhere between 12 and 15k's each day. Then it is straight in the pool upon my return. Pool temp yesterday afternoon was getting towards 30 degrees.

Not a lot has been happening. I am just keeping my eyes open for a 'new' computer. I only need a tower as I have a great screen and keyboard/mouse setup. Found something at Harvey Norman and I was promised it was usually always available as it is their own model. However my trusty 3 year+ old PC is working quite well right now so I can't justify an update.

They say three years is about what you can expect get out of a PC nowadays and mine is now well over the three years.

I reformatted a PC for a mate the other day. They had XP on it and wanted Windows 7. I think I did it OK and even managed to get it activated. I had trouble with the graphic card driver though as it appears the graphics card it had doesn't have a Windows 7 driver. It may not worry the owner as it is a second PC mainly for kids' games.

We had friends Linda and Paul over for some Australia Day celebrations yesterday. I gave the home brew a bit of a hiding. Paul is a fellow home brewer so we had a great day. The BBQ was pressed into action and we had prawns, lamb and chicken sausages. We enjoyed heaps of nibblies and a wonderful salad. The pool was warm, the weather ideal and the company wonderful. It must have been tiring as I was fast asleep in bed soon after 9 pm!

Following the recent floods all across Queensland, there has been a rationalisation of items being shipped into the state. This has resulted in a huge shortage of "Pool Salt". The pool needs salt to create the chlorine to keep the water clean. Following all the rain and the resultant overflowing of many pools here, many of the chemicals (including salt) have been washed down the storm water drain.

I haven't been able to get any pool salt since we returned here early in the New Year from our trip to Melbourne so I have been forced to put chlorine tablets in the pool. This is an expensive way to keep the pool chlorinated.

I fluked being at the local DIY Bunnings Store this morning just as a load of pool salt was delivered. The store received 9 pallets of pool salt and it was all sold within minutes. I managed to get three bags and then immediately put two of the bags of salt into the pool. It isn't the best quality and it takes some time to dissolve in the pool. But it is pool salt and it will mean my chlorinator can work and the pool will be well sanitized!

We have heard from Kim in India several times now via her Facebook page. She is having one wonderful time and enjoying seeing many things she had never seen or dreamt of before.

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