Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sun Due Back This Afternoon

The gray clouds are beginning to lift and the wet roads and gardens are beginning to dry. We have just enjoyed almost 4" of rain in this which is usually one of our drier months. It pelted down overnight after a gloomy day of light rain yesterday.

It sure didn't look like the Sunshine Coast at 7 am this morning!

Not a lot of news as you would expect with such gloomy weather. I caught up with mate I have known for much of my life yesterday. Fred and I played cricket together in Melbourne and we go back about 40+ years. Fred now lives close by but we have each gone our own separate ways.

Fred's youngest daughter "Ginnie" is in her early 50's and has suffered a stroke. Fred is now experiencing the difficulties of distance. Ginnie is having speech problems and is partially paralyzed down one side of her body. Speech and movement are slowly returning though. Fred speaks with others there (none of his family live in Melbourne) and tries to sort out bills etc by phone and via a friend.

Fred is considering the pros and cons of moving back to Melbourne to live. However the property market is slow right now so he would have trouble selling and getting a good price.

Trish is at Stitchers today and will be home around lunchtime. Hopefully the clouds will have parted and we can get a little sun this afternoon.

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