Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Day Approaches

Days have been reasonably quiet while here in Melbourne. Some of the time has been spent keeping an eye on the grand kids while last minute shopping is being completed. The Cricket has been on TV too so I have been occupied. I bought myself a 500GB external USB powered disk drive which I have 'set up' to be my new place to keep movies for the Media Player. It has taken some time but all is up to date now.

The internet connection has had a battering, this morning I downloaded 6 movies in just an hour and a half!

We had our family Christmas get together on Sunday here at Kate's. Our three kids and their families (where appropriate as Kim doesn't have kids) were all there along with my brother's wife Jeanette. Presents were exchanged and there were shouts of glee from those receiving them. James (seen here) is just 2 years old and really enjoys presents. We enjoyed a great meal consisting of baked fish, ham, prawns, chicken and salads. Everyone brought some food offerings and we had a sumptuous feast.

Monday night saw us head out to friends of Kate and Arj's home for a BBQ. Her parents were there too so the oldies sat and chatted while the young ones cooked, prepared and cleaned up! Spicy chicken, prawns, salmon and good old sausages were there as well as several salads. It was a sumptuous feast yet again!

Tonight it out for a meal with other friends and Wednesday night we will see our daughter Kim for a meal at St Kilda. Kim is heading to Thailand for her Christmas hols and won't be here Christmas Day.

I must contact Tony back home to see how all is there. Tony is keeping an eye on 13 Kilbride for us.

The weather is warming up at last and 36 is expected here tomorrow. Today will be about 26 while Christmas Day looks like being "Clearing Showers" and about 20.

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