Thursday, May 21, 2009

Not A Good Night To Watch PayTV.

Lucky we weren't planning to watch anything on Pay TV last night. Here Pay TV is delivered via satellite. Most of the time this is great unless there is very heavy cloud. Last night there was heaps of heavy cloud so the satellite signal could not get through. And from the heavy cloud we had 10.5 inches of rain! (261mls) in the 24 hours to 6:30 am this morning. It rained like I had never seen it rain before.

The heavy stuff started about 8:30 pm. On and off during the day we had 15 mls. I emptied 126mls (5") out of the rain gauge at 10:45 pm. It then poured. I tipped another 60 ml (nearly 2.5 inches) out at 11:25 and then another 61ml out at 12:50 am. We have had heavy rain here before but nothing as intense as this over 6 or so hours!

Remember to click on the picture if you want a larger view, then hit Back to return to this page.

Our total for the 24 hours was 261 ml, a whisker under 10.5 inches! The pavers to the shed (see above) were under water and the pool overflow could not keep up so the pool overflowed. The water in our sideway was a couple of inches deep. Fortunately I had uncovered my 'emergency' flood outlet so any overflow water escaped quickly, easily and safely!

Our road was totally flooded, you couldn't drive into our court. Cars are drying out as I type as water seeped in to them from the flooded roadway where they had been parked overnight. I found our recycling bin 50 metres down the court on a neighbour's nature strip! I went searching for it last night in water almost 60cm (2') deep! There were rubbish bins floating down the street! At its peak the water was within 1 metre of the palm on our front lawn!

The picture above was taken this morning so you get an idea of high it was got to last night seen here in the picture to the left . Trish and I couldn't sleep so we got back up again. We eventually hit the sack at about 2:30 am.

Then this morning the sun was out shining as if nothing had happened! It was a lovely bright morning but there was evidence everywhere that the night had been a pretty rough one!

Caloundra averages almost 1575mls per annum (about 63 inches). Here we are in mid May and we only need two more inches of rain to achieve our average annual total. We have had 1526 mls (61 inches) to this date!

Losing so much water from the pool means it again needs more salt to keep the manufacture of chlorine up to date!

1 comment:

Texas Lou said...

If Only!!! All that rain over there where you don't need it and we are so dry that my grass is dying. We have such a big yard that I can't keep it all watered enough to keep it all pretty. Our little 6/10 of an inch last Saturday is completely gone, and there is no rain in the forecast.