Saturday, May 09, 2009

Before I Head Off To Computer Club

It is early. My cup of coffee is steaming in front of me as I type. It is a cloudless blue sky but there is a chill in the air. It is around 14 degrees outside.

Our afternoon and evening assisting Peter set up his computer for downloading movies along with a few other things was busy. Trish enjoys the company of Peter's friend Cheryl so they headed to the shops. Peter cooked a great red curry and another satay dish. It was terrific. The company was wonderful, the meal tasty and we achieved much of what we had set out to do. The threatening showers developed into an overnight downpour. We arrived back home around midnight.

The guys I ride with decided it was too wet so we all stayed home Thursday morning.

The overnight rain had produced 37 mls of rain and gave the garden a very good watering. A friend has just installed a pool so I trotted around to her place on Thursday to help her drain some of the excess rain water from her pool. We also ran through another couple of pool procedures.

I am looking at changing the method I use to sanitize my beer bottles prior to washing so later on Thursday morning I headed into Bunnings (a large DIY shop Lou Ann) and purchased a funnel and a watering can. I will sanitize my bottles by soaking them in a weak mixture of water and bleach for 20 minutes. Later that afternoon I rode the bike around to a mate's place (Tony) and had a talk about home brewing and then we enjoyed a couple of quiet beers. Tony is recommencing making home brew again so we talked through the methods each of us use.

Friday was sunny again so we managed a quick 10k bike ride. We arranged to meet later so I could show Tony (seen here in the yellow top) how to add pics and text to the BeCA online web site. Then I headed around to another Computer Club member's home to help her set up a home network. They are usually straight forward to setup but I just couldn't get this one to work. She needs to restart her modem/router each day to get internet connection so there is a possible hardware problem there.

The guys I ride with (Tony and Paul) arrived for the quick PC tutorial on web sites about 3 pm and afterwards we knocked off a few home brews. The pic above shows the three of us relaxing poolside.

Today (Saturday) I have Computer Club and then I will become a couch potato again and watch the footy on TV. Trish's team which beat mine to win the premiership last year suffered an embrrassing loss to a lowly ranked Essendon last night.

1 comment:

Texas Lou said...

Two days of summer preview have been here. It was 101F yesterday and 103F today. Horrible! Still no rain in over a month. But we are cooling off tonight and for the next week. Our skies are blue too.I think our temps are in about the 40C range. This sort of heat is usual in July and August. Not this early.