Saturday, March 14, 2009

Why Don't You Bring Some Of That Rain With You!

Living in the sub tropics means we get a lot more rain each year than what Melbourne gets. Often people say to us when we are about to head south for a visit, "Bring some of that rain with you!"

I am pleased to say that even though we have been in Melbourne for almost two weeks, at last some of the rain has arrived. This morning the sky turned black and there was a sudden coolness in the air. Then down it came, the best part of 20mls fell during the day giving Melbourne its best daily rain tally for several months. So glad we could be of help to everyone.

On Friday we again returned to Springvale with friends for Vietnamese food for lunch. It was a leisurely visit this time with time for a good look round through the shops. I found an item or two I had been keeping my eyes open for. The food was sensational and cheap, the company (Eddie and Patsy) great fun to be with.

Last evening we visited other friends for roast lamb for tea and I set up a digital set top box for them on their TV. After setting it all up, it was time for a couple of beers, some red wine and to watch the footy. I was back there again today to set up another set top box on another TV for them.

Tonight we out to an Indian meal with friends Gordon and Anne.

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