Friday, March 06, 2009

Shock Horror On Arrival In Melbourne - No Internet!

Our trip down to Melbourne was as usual, a bit of a hassle but OK.

In Melbourne the weather was overcast and grey. The temperature was in the mid to high teens. From the air Victoria looks like "the moon". Everything is brown from the extreme heat and lack of rain. The state has had less than 10mls of rain so far for all of 2009. There had been 10mls or so of rain overnight which had been the wettest day so far for the year. People's front lawns no longer exist. Everyone was enjoying the cold overcast weather after what this state had been through with the recent fires

We were collected from the airport by the lad (Chris) and spent a lovely evening with his family. Our daughter Kim joined us for the evening meal and then transported us to her place just south of the city where Kate came over and collected us in the "Telstar", our "Melbourne" car upon which we had spent over $2000 having the gear box recently replaced.

It was then Kate told us the devastating news, their internet connection was down at her home and they didn't have any idea when it would be back up again! Fancy, me having a day (or even days) when I couldn't get on the internet! The 'net' was down for just the one full day.

Our first full day was spent getting some items ready for the party on Saturday, this meant buying the drink! That task has now been accomplished!

My friend's son in Texas got his photo on the front page of the local newspaper's and it was also available on the internet for 24 hours before it disappeared. I am putting it here so Lou Ann can have a more permanent record. This group has successfully been fighting to save the local Picture Theatre.

I keep in touch with the owners of the house for rent on our right hand side as you face our place. They now live in Switzerland. I was just updating her on how the moving out had gone and Sandra told me the news about the young family who would be moving in. They have recently enjoyed a holiday in the Swiss Mountains near where they live.

Today is more party organizing stuff, Kate and Arj are both at school while the two kids are at "Day Care" which they just love.

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