Monday, March 02, 2009

Summer Lingers

The last two days have been warm here with low 30's recorded both days. The pool is a pleasant 26 degrees or so and very welcome when I return from my 10k bike ride most mornings.

I did my Skype presentation at the Computer Club on Saturday morning. I took our laptop to ensure there weren't any more hiccups like I had when previously using the Club's laptop. All was going smoothly until the internet connection dropped and took about 5 minutes to reset. But we got there eventually.

The cider I had brewing had waited long enough to be bottled so that was done this morning. I use glass bottles for cider and I have to manually apply a "cap" to each stubby. There is a bit of a knack to using the capper and it usually takes me a few goes to get back into the swing of things. But with over 50 caps to be administered you get plenty of time to get back into practice! Now we have to wait about 3 months before it can be enjoyed. That is not the best photo of me I guess!

The first quote for the new blind to go across the far end of the pergola was received today. I spent a bit of time telling the guy how we unfunded retirees had been hit hard by the financial crisis but I think it all fell on deaf ears when I read his quote. But it was worth a try. Two more quotes will come in tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow will be packing day getting ready for 2 weeks down in Melbourne. The expected temperature for Melbourne on Wednesday was 19 when I looked the other day! We had 19 overnight recently, the coolest night so far for 2009! Melbourne however is expecting mid 30's on Tuesday with strong winds. The fires from 2 weeks ago continue to burn down there and tomorrow's windy and hot weather will be a long day for everyone.

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