Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Wind Has Gone

At last a day in Melbourne without wind! The clouds no longer wizz by but rather move lazily across the sky. It was down to around 6 degrees this morning, a bit of a shock to the system after the weather warming up back home.

Trish's day went from bad to worse yesterday and she spent much of it in bed fighting off some sort of tummy wog. With both Kate and Arj heading off to work this morning and Trish laid up in bed it meant I was in for a pretty big day looking after the kids! Trish however is now out of bed and though not 100% is able to attack her Sudoku puzzles and keep an eye on things. Charli is busy watching kid's shows on TV while James moves from one thing to another. At the time I took this snap, riding his 'bike' backwards is what seemed to grab his attention.
So today will be an 'as you go' day, a bit like damage control! Hopefully all health worries will be much improved by tomorrow and we can get out a bit. Fancy, almost a week in Melbourne and we still have eaten at a Vietnamese Restaurant yet!

Trish had a call this morning informing her that her flight departure time to back home had been put back by a couple of hours! This seems to be happening a lot lately!

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