Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Cricket Is Over So Now I Can Update The Blog Page!

I have had a sensitive tooth and whenever I have a cold drink it nearly sends me into outer space. It is where I have had a series of fillings in the one tooth over many years. I got sick of it so ventured down to the dentist yesterday, not one of my favorite pastimes at all!

He removed the old filling, replaced it with a temporary filling and said I needed to make up my mind as where to next with the tooth. There are two options, extraction or Root Canal work! Neither strike me as pleasant choices! However it is nice to be able to enjoy a cold drink again, even with a temporary filling!

I got in another 10 k bike ride this morning around the estate and by the ducks in the centrepiece lake. I see yet another area of the estate has been opened for sale and I saw one builder has a House For Sale sign up with a four bedroom house for about $459,000! That is a lot of money!

The cricket finished soon after lunch today so I had plenty of time to give the front lawn a mow then I had a quick cool-off in the pool. The pool temp is about 25 degrees but it loses several degrees overnight. The day temp was up to about 27 earlier but the afternoon sea-breeze dropped that back to the mid twenties this afternoon.

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