Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tuesday's News

The new PC is pretty well organized now. Everything is backed up, the scanner, printer, and other add-ons have all been installed and all are working. I miss a couple of little programs that came with XP (eg image resizer) but I have hunted down some other programs which will do what I had wanted. Then there are some things in Vista which are easier to manage than with XP. The new PC is certainly a lot quicker than the Dell it is replacing.

When I am sure everything is OK I will delete a lot of stuff from the Dell ready for its next 'home'.

The most difficult job has been getting the Laptop and the Vista PC to 'see' and communicate with each other. This is a problem between Vista and XP, you wouldn't think the systems had been developed by the same company. A program called "Network Magic" sorted all that out though.

I haven't heard from my friend in West Texas so I guess her computer continues to play up for her.

This is the sign outside the house next door. As you can see it has been sold now. I hear there is to be a 'garage sale' over the next weekend or so! There were building inspectors and anti-pest people in there this morning, ensuring the house has no hidden surprises for the new owners!

We head off tomorrow on the Whitsundays trip so there won't be any more News From The Sunshine Coast for about 10 days. There are lots of people at home round about us to keep an eye on the place while we are away!

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