Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Bad Things Happen In Threes

Just before we travelled to Airlie Beach the old knock about watch I wear around the house and in the pool needed a new battery. It is a water resistant watch so I can safely wear it in the pool. Whenever the battery needs swapping over it costs almost as much as the watch is worth to ensure it remains water resistant. Most times I do not bother and just go ahead and 'hope' the reseal is OK. This works most times.

While away I noticed my watch was fogging up! A sure sign it had not become water safe after the battery changeover and water had got into it. So in the next few weeks I could most likely expect the watch to 'die'.

While driving back from Airlie Beach I got a stone chip in the windscreen, exactly where I look out! It was extremely annoying. Fearing bad luck came in threes I awaited to see what the next thing to happen would be! Click on this photo for a larger view, you can even see the stone chip in the windscreen! Click "Back" to return to this page.

It happened, I went to make a call on my mobile phone and the buttons just refused to work! I could not type in my sim card pass code so the phone remained locked and unusable! I had bought this phone 'outright' and was pretty unhappy about spending $300 on a phone that only lasted for 16 months!

I called in a windscreen repair guy who did a good job on repairing the windscreen. It now looks almost 100%. I decided to leave the phone in the sun, perhaps some moisture had got in while we were on our trip and some heat would dry it out. After half an hour in the sun I could get the sim card pass code to type in and 'open' the phone. I retrieved a message OK! However when I went to the Phonebook Application all sorts of strange noises and things happened! Back into the sun again for some more drying out! An hour later the phone book seemed to be working OK. Let us keep our fingers crossed and see!

Yesterday we drove to Bauple and caught up with my two cousins Garry and Phillip. We struck some stormy weather on the way home.

I continue to learn new things about Windows Vista. The new computer is sensational, so fast at loading and completing tasks. Movie files I have downloaded (usually .avi files) used to take a good hour to convert to the DVD format, now take well under 40 minutes!

Vista does most things better than XP did for me, but not all.

Gorgeous warm day again, into the high 20's.

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