Sunday, October 07, 2007

Hot And Sunny Sunday

Not a lot of news the last couple of days. Today is quite hot, the hot back corner of the yard says current temp up there is 34 degrees. Sunny with a gusty N/W wind dragging heat down from the north. Hopefully we will get a storm tonight to dampen things down again. The hot dry winds dries everything out.

I have decided to update the computer. It is getting on towards 4 years old now and except for replacing the monitor, it has done a great job for me. When home it is used most days for 3 hours or so. This does not count downloading movies! I hope to place the order early this week. The last day or so has been spent chasing up drivers so my printer, scanner, webcam etc will work with Vista.

I bought a PVR off eBay this week. It is only a cheapie, factory 'second' so has a bruise on it or something. It is Standard Definition, single tuner with a 160GB hard drive. It means the old Panasonic VCR has gone. The only downside to the PVR is it only can record free to air TV. The connections are only RCA's (3 leads, white, red, yellow) but it looks 500% on picture quality compared to the old VCR.

My daughter has got me involved with Facebook so I am having a bit of a play with that. You can use the feed into Facebook so you can keep up with this blog via your Facebook homepage. First though you have to download Flog Blog from the Applications area of Facebook and enter the above link in there.

Pool is slowly warming up, looking at about 24 by mid afternoon today.

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