Saturday, July 07, 2007

A Sunny But Cool Saturday

This is the scene from our daughter's front door yesterday. It was cold and wet most of the day. Click on the picture for a bigger view. It is a panorama shot I created from a program I downloaded from Appznet (link on the right) called Panorama Studio. Unlike other 'photo stitch' programs I have used (Autostitch), the final file was still over 2 Mb and therefore had plenty of detail.

My sister Judy arrived from upcountry Victoria on Friday. They were travelling north to their favorite caravan spot on the river at a place called Isisford in western Queensland. They dropped in for 45 minutes for some quick lunch and to catch up with our daughter's new family addition. It was good to see them again. They made a hasty retreat as the rain again began to pour down to ensure they missed any of the Melbourne peak hour traffic. They were forced to travel via Melbourne after snow had blocked their way across the high country from where they live in Omeo.

I went to the AFL footy last night at Telstra Dome. I enjoyed the night very much especially as my team got home by 50 points. Over 50,000 were at the match. However it is a long night and I drove home at 11:30 pm again through the wind and rain.

Saturday is a bright sunny day here. It will be a stay at home day today before heading to the Melbourne Cricket Ground tomorrow Sunday for another AFL footy match, Melbourne Vs Carlton. Arj's brother and family are coming over for dinner this evening.

1 comment:

Gracey said...

Hi Les and Trish,
this is Catherine Grace sitting beside Maree checking out your blog's great! Sorry I haven't replied to your email - no excuses really. And no Les you have not done anything to upset Peter or I.
It's a shame we didn't know that you were down in sunny (haha) Melbourne. We could have caught up over a meal. Peter and I plus the two kids went to the Geelong and Essendon game at the dome on Friday night. Great second half! We could have even caught up there if we had of known. Lack of communication on my behalf....if I had of made the time to email you - you would have know our wearabouts when. We are heading home tomorrow...bloody school work to do! Only one week of hols left.
Anyway must away - chat again soon.
If you can't be good - be careful!
Travel safely.
LOL Catherine and Maree.