Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Beautiful One Day, Stormy The Next

Tuesday was a sunny day getting up to about 15 degrees in suburban Melbourne. We spent a quiet family day doing some baby sitting to allow Kate and Arj to do some catching up with shopping. Reading and soaking up the sunshine through the windows seemed to be the major tasks for us

Wednesday we awoke to an absolute shocker. Strong winds, grey skies and showers with a cool max of about 13 degrees. An inside day was on the agenda! Arj was catching up on some work back at school (both he and Kate are teachers) even though it is holiday time. This meant our services were required to help Kate out. She is recovering from her caesar and getting more movement all the time.

Arj has also decided to go to Broadband with his internet connection. AAPT have a great deal at the moment for under $40 per month. Free connection and a wireless modem for $99. Needless to say to get that deal (till the end of July) you have to put your phone with them too. It comes with a 12GB limit and 512 speed. For another $10 you can get 1500 speed and 15 GB limit. For some of you overseas this is probably not all that quick a connection, however a download speed of 512 is about the average for this part of the world. Quicker speeds for everyone however is not far away with he government signing new deals to roll out faster internet to much of Australia.

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