Friday, July 06, 2007

Birthday Time

Thursday was a family day. We all set off for Chadstone, one of Melbourne's largest suburban shopping centres. This is a two car exercise, Kate, Arj and the two kids in their car while Trish and I follow along in our car. The freeway had been closed because of a fatal accident. There was traffic chaos as people tried to get to work.

Eventually we all caught up and then met with Trish's sister. A wander around the shopping centre then followed. Arj and I finished up in a DVD/CD/Electrical shop while the others found their way to look at baby clothes. For Kate it is a real 'expedition' to plan for two toddlers to go shopping!

After leaving them to head home we sought to catch up with our youngest daughter Kim who was celebrating a birthday. We spent a little time waiting for her to finish work in a hotel warming up from the chilly Melbourne winter. One patron had this win while were there! You will need to click on the photo for a larger view.

A great night out with Kim followed.

Friday was a lovely sunny (but cool) morning!

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