Tuesday, February 13, 2007

But We Certainly Needed The Rain!

Fortunately I had decided not to top the pool up last night!

Some showers had been predicted but we got a little more rain than just showers! I heard some rain overnight and when I had a look at the rain gauge at 6 am today I saw that we had received 25mls. When I looked 50 minutes later the total had soared to 50mls! And since then we have had another 10mls.

We would expect to get over 175 mls in February following on from a similar amount of rain in January. The current total for 2007 (including the rain this morning) is about 200 mls for the year to date so still somewhat below average.

No need to water the pots or the garden. The front lawn will be green again and I have removed the valve which allows pool overflow to drain straight out to the front street!

The EL Riordan Memorial drain is working a treat keeping water from the garden out of the pool!

This is the view from the front door looking towards Caloundra and the sea.

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