Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Bellvista Estate Update

It continues to be showery. We get a few overnight and morning showers totalling about 5 mls per day. The weather remains cool. Even the ceiling fan in the lounge room hasn't been going that much lately, perhaps just a little as we watch TV.

However after a 10k ride this morning the pool (though coolish at 24 degrees) was a welcome place to find.

Today's newspaper has the Sunshine Coast as the second dearest place to live in Queensland behind the Gold Coast. The figures combine grocery (etc) costs, transport costs and housing costs to provide an overall percentage. Housing costs in particular have pushed the figures for here up. Transport costs are dear here as there is no direct train access as yet. A train line into Caloundra is planned for the next 5 or so years. Later the track will be extended into Maroochydore.

The estate we live on continues to develop. Another road is being built at the end of our court which would provide an alternative entry as well as divert trucks etc around the edge of the estate rather than through the middle of it. It was due for completion last November! The photo above is the almost completed 'new road".

It now seems it will be ready in two weeks. At the moment they are rolling out the turf and planting trees to complete the road surrounds.

Some of the work is all but completed.

A new sports oval has just had the turf laid. This will be a part of the school we have here on the estate. You can see the school buildings in the background.

I recently added a StatCounter to the foot of the Blog page. This tells me how many people have visited the site. Yesterday the site was visited by 8 people. Obviously there are 8 insomniacs out there! Hopefully they are sleeping better now.

Thanks to the lovely person (from here on the Sunshine Coast) who sent me some scratchies with a birthday card as Trish loved my gift and she is now $4 richer.

After collecting the mail which arrived today I received (should this read Trish received ....) birthday cards from 2 groups of friends in Melbourne again with scratchies in them! Trish really enjoys my birthday! And a total of $6 richer again, $3 from each!

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