Wednesday, April 18, 2018


We still have our two rather large lilly pilly trees in our mini front garden.  And as the photo left shows they are getting a good water today with cooler and showery weather at last here on the "Sunshine" Coast.

As with much of the rest of our country, we have been experiencing well above average daily temperatures, so some cool and wet weather is very welcome right now.

But the rain has only just started and I had managed a bike ride and a swim earlier this morning prior to rain starting up.

There isn't a lot of news as per usual.

The Ethernet Over Powerline. units arrived eventually yesterday, have been installed and are operating perfectly.  I now get a great hard wire connection between the modem router and in turn the Seagate Cloud Drive where I store all my movies and TV Shows to the Nvidia Shield.  It works perfectly.  The speed is exactly the same as I get for internet on my PC.

This setup is 500Mbps where as the previous 'refurbed' set I had was only 200Mbps.  The refurbed set is a different brand as well as a different speed but I was still able to get a 'hard wire' internet connection from a powerpoint on the other side of the house on what I understand to be a different electrical circuit.  But the speed was way down from 18MBps to a little over 2MBps.

And the el cheapo $9 replacement garage door remote control arrived by mail off eBay yesterday and seems to work fine as well.  The $9 job is a little on the bulky and weighty side but works great!

We have drinks with friends this afternoon which we are looking forward to.  It is always good fun to catch up with others, have a chat and share what we have been up to.

We are working our way through the new current TV series "Bosch".  Harry Bosch is a character from the Michael Connelly's series of books.  The TV series is well done, gets great scores on Internet Movie Data Base (IMDB) and we are enjoying it very much.  It is a series from "Amazon" so if you have access to Amazon you can watch it there!

We are still waiting for the tree removal guy to come.

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