Sunday, March 04, 2018

It Never rains, It Just Pours!

The heat seems to be hanging on a bit this year.  Previously we could get a few nights each summer where we needed a swim before heading off to bed. But this year we have noticed it warmer or even more humid than previously.  This is a view shared by others and even some long time Queenslanders.  Seems the air con in the bedroom was installed just in time.

It isn't very often that I get a puncture when on a bike ride.  Previously I may awake and begin to head off on an early morning bike ride and find the bike has a flat tyre.  Or I go to ride somewhere like down to the shops and I find a tyre is flat.  But today I was around 3k's into my bike ride and about 1k from home, when there was an ominous sound coming from the rear of my bike.  Soon I felt a slight bump as the rim of the wheel bumped against the ground.

I knew I had a puncture which meant a tedious walk home.  It was quite humid this morning so I was in a lather of sweat when I arrived back home.  Out came the puncture repair tools and off to work on the puncture I went.  And it was the back tyre as well which meant untangling the oily bike chain from the gear derailleurs.

Eventually I got the wheel off, removed the tyre and found the leak.  There was another tube in the shed so I fixed that one as well.  The sweat was literally rolling off me, onto my glasses and dripping everywhere.

I have learnt not to put the back wheel back on until I am sure the puncture has been fixed.

The pool and a cool swim was my next move.  The water is around 27° so it was heaven after the puncture repair.  But wait a minute, I was still wearing my bum bag in which I carry my phone!  I jumped out as quickly as I could and immediately ripped the phone out.

No luck, all was dead.  There was no movement at all.  The screen remained blank.  I switched it off but with no sounds I couldn't tell if it was off or not.  It would have been less than 5 seconds in the bum bag when it was in the water!  I wiped the phone dry and out it in the sun to dry!  After a few minutes it made a bit of a crackling sound so I knew it was still powered on so I switched it off!

That was around two hours ago.  Patience is a virtue so it has now been taken out of the boiling hot sun to dry out.  I will try turning it on tomorrow morning but I am not hopeful!

I have since pressed an old 'retired' phone back into service and I am in the process of charging it up!

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