Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Bags Are Packed!

We fly out to Bali around 5:30pm this evening (Tuesday) and it is mid morning now.  Bags are packed, parking in Brisbane is sorted and we think we have everything.

We have been in contact with good neighbours Brian and Edna who will keep an eye on this place for us while we are away, they will do the bins and water the few pot plants from time to time.  I popped over to their place yesterday and sorted out his Kodi for him, and updated many of the addons.  It should all be perfect now.

Other neighbours across the road, Bill and Kaylene gave us a half a plastic bag full of red claw, small fresh water crayfish.  They got hundreds and hundreds of them at a nearby lake where the went for an Easter holiday.  Bill said the place was absolutely packed to the rafters with campers and other visitors.  So we had red claw cooked in garlic and butter along with some fried rice for tea on Sunday and there were even a few red claw left when we cleaned up the Fried Rice last night.

Apart from that it has been all hands on deck tidying things up before heading away.  The lawns are mowed, my hair has been cut and things seem to be in order.

My team played Trish's footy team on Easter Monday (yesterday) and had a resounding win.  Her team has been on top for almost 10 seasons now winning four premierships in that time.  But like all footy teams. eventually the players get older, slower and slightly less hungry.  They have been a top team for so long it now seems it may be time to rebuild.

Weather has been OK with tops a much cooler 26° or so and 16 or so overnight.  A welcome change after the scorching summer we have just had.

Many of the wedding guests are already in Bali and we have had calls from my sister.  It seems the way to go is via Facebook Messenger where you can use your phone via free wifi to make and receive calls.  It works pretty well.  We spoke with Kim yesterday and she and Jay are in Hoi An in Vietnam.  It wasn't as good as a phone call but pretty good no less.  Kim and jay are having a wow of a time.  They had just sat down in a Hoi An bar where the Aussie rules footy match was just about to come on the bar's TV.

I believe we have free transfers to the Hotel this evening.  The bride's parents are flying on the same flight as we are.  The 'official' and legal wedding was held as a very small ceremony in Melbourne on Thursday.  This ensures the marriage is fully legal in the eyes of Australian Law.

Se we are off in a few hours to drive in to the airport.  Better to be an hour or so early rather than an hour or so late!

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