Sunday, October 02, 2016

Warming Up Nicely

As the photo shows, the saying about Queensland, 'beautiful one day, perfect the next' is shaping up very true right now.  Mid morning here and the thermometre says around 28 in the backyard right now.  Our little backyard can be a little warmer than the real temperature with heaps of concrete and pavers while being quite closed in.

The nights remain cool though with a low around 12 or so this morning. The doona has now gone and we sleep under a sheet and quilt.  I could have reached for the doona this morning as it was chilly.  That all changed when I got back from my bike ride though.  I still ride where the magpies aren't but all that should settle down in a few weeks when the breeding season concludes.

So what have we been up to?  Needless to say the brew I put on last week has now been bottled and stocks replenished.  I still get the occasional 1litre of alcohol from mates who distil their own.  My stock of bourbon has therefore been replaced.

I don't tend to have the same number of beers as I get older but the odd pint of bourbon and coke is pretty refreshing.

I have completed the Community Association Newsletter and it is ready for printing.  I still add a post or two to the Community Association website News and Events tab as things happen around this area. (

I helped a couple of people out with their Kodi TV boxes as well so there is hardly a quiet minute.  I have a Community Association Management Committee Meeting to chair Tuesday night.

We have really enjoyed another series of the TV Show "The Wire" over the last weeks and a couple of movies "The Innocents" and "A Hijacking"  Last night we watch Bryan Cranston in "The Infiltrator" which was good as well.

I did get a trip to the dentist in during the week.  I lost one filling while on the cruise, a second filling soon after we got back home and then I chipped a tooth as well.  I had put the trip to the dentist off for a few months but eventually plucked up courage.  I got two surprises that day, he did all three 'repairs' in the one sitting and the second surprise was the bill!

That much money for a 30 minute or so dental appointment seems ludicrous.  It made me think being a School Principal wasn't such a good idea, I should have been a dentist!

To top it all off he recommended I get a crown on one rather 'fractured' tooth he repaired.  That will have to wait until a new 'Medical Benefits' year!

The pool has had its pre season chemical top up as well.  Just the usual, 2 bags of salt, a couple of kilos of 'buffer' and some other concoction, all into the water and allow to dissolve.  It still needs another couple of degrees of warmth into the water as well.  The coldish nights which are persisting into October rob the pool of most heat gained during the sunny days.

As the photo shows, the backyard is beginning to take shape ready for summer.

Trish continues her involvement with the Arts Centre Association and as Secretary she has a phone call to take, a meeting to attend or an inspection to make.  Then she also maintains the website too.

So that is our news, click on the photo for a larger view or click on the news From The Sunshine Coast title above to open the full blog and catch up on what we have been up to.

Reading several posts from the blog is a good cure for insomnia as well!

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