Monday, July 11, 2016

A Dampish Monday

It is Monday and we have it a bit drizzly outside, but it isn't cold.

Things continue to cruise along quite nicely without too many hassles.  The Hyundai is in the paint shop this morning getting rid of the nasty scrape off the front bumper (see photo).  I didn't even know I had scraped anything till a few days later.

But for $200 to have it repainted and any other little paint chips fixed will be good. We should get it back late Tuesday afternoon.

If you have been pondering over having a go at Kodi there is a new version called "Free Telly" available.  Just Google it and install it on your Mac PC or Windows.  It comes pretty much pre configured with the best addons already installed.

Plug an HDMI cable into your laptop and TV and you are all "go".  Be sure you have plenty of internet download though!

In the settings just get into "International" and set it to Australia and you can have a play.  I also 'hid' the label "Pictures" as I won't use it for showing any photos I have taken.

My wrists are slowly healing after I "cut" them after watching my footy team play appallingly on Friday night.  I was not a happy camper at all after the game.

We are enjoying a couple of 'oldies' on playback on TV at the moment.  We start off with a couple of episodes of "The Wire" and then finish with a feature length viewing of "Wire in the Blood".  The former gets an IMDB score of around 9.5, the latter 8.6.  So it is quality TV watching!

My 24" PC monitor began to flicker on and off recently.  It was connected via DVI to the PC's video card.  It continued to flicker when I connected it to the motherboard's HDMI port.  I have a spare 21" monitor which connected to the PC video card and has operated perfectly, no flicker and all works perfectly.  I do note the smaller screen size though!

eBay came to the rescue and a replacement 24" should arrive sometime this week. The PC's video card doesn't have a decent HDMI connector, just DVI.  So to be usable now and future protect myself, I needed a monitor with both HDMI and DVI.  Most monitors for sale on eBay seemed to be one or the other so it took a little time to find exactly what I wanted.  But a quality 2ms Acer 24" screen at around $190 with HDMI and DVI delivered seemed reasonable to me.

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