Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Still Very Quiet

It is still fairly quiet around here except for the fact we have a wonderfully warm day today, a taste of the hot weather to come.  It is into the high 20's with the sun beating down and the wind today coming from the north west.  Anything with west in the wind direction means the wind is blowing the warm air off the land rather than cooler air from over the sea. This means the wind is most likely dry and warm.

I did manage a quick swim after today's bike ride, only a couple of laps thankyou as the water temperature is under 21°.  So a lengthy swim was out of the question.

I now ride my bike on a modified route thus avoiding any spots with swooping magpies.  One magpie even swooped the car yesterday as we were driving out of the estate.

Trish is out at Stitchers today while I hang around the house busily obtaining new files for the Android TV Box.  My internet month finishes tomorrow and I have heaps of bandwidth still available to access.  So access it I am!

One of the Arts Centre Association groups bought a new laptop which was delivered to our home yesterday morning.  It has been updated to Windows 10, has a 'real' Start button installed so for all looks and purposes it operates similarly to a Windows 7 machine and I have also loaded up Office and few other necessities.

The computer one of the guys bought the other day off our departing neighbours for $50 continually froze while carrying out a Windows Update. Therefore he couldn't use it as it wouldn't fully start up! It would get to around 70% of the update done on restart and would then freeze!

I managed to get into "Startup Repair" which went on for about 15 minutes just whirring around before it said to restart the PC.  This we did and fortunately it started fine, but without completing the updates.

I popped in there again this morning where the 206 updates had again lined themselves up for installation which we set in motion.  My phone hasn't gone off this afternoon so all must have gone OK!

It is almost time to pour myself a beer and go and sit under the pergola and enjoy the day.  You can see the pergola in both photos.

I am not a fan of my own personal Facebook page.  But my kids are so when I finish a post, I add a Facebook entry to say there is another boring blog post to read and the kids know that if they are having problems sleeping, they can read one of Dad's Blog posts and they will fall asleep quite quickly!

The other day I received a Facebook Friend Request from Yuko Shibayama in Tokoname Japan.  It is my recollection Yuko was a visitor to Langwarrin Primary School as a student on an ISSE Exchange from Tokoname in Japan.  We kept up spasmodic contact via email.  I received photos of her husband and then of their children.  The internet sure makes the world a smaller place!

1 comment:

Lou Ann Pyburn said...

Yes, the world is definitely a smaller place because of the internet. Here I am in Texas and I keep up with you all the time.

I am so very tired of summer. It is so hot and dry and lasts such a long time here. Our last rain was on July 3rd. Our soil is like concrete if you are trying to dig a hole to plant something. I have managed to keep watering our front lawn and it is green, but I am constantly moving the water sprinkler and dragging hoses around. But our side and back yards are brown and crunchy. Our well does not produce enough water to have a sprinkler system so it is a slow go to keep just the front green and nice. The weather people are predicting rain for us on Friday night, the 18th, but I will believe it when I see it. And we hit the mid 90s (F) every day. Thank goodness for central air conditioning.

I thoroughly enjoyed your trip to Europe through your nice pictures that you posted.

Like I've said before, I wish someone like you lived here and had a computer club. I sure could use help and would be a charter member.

Its nice knowing you and Trish through this wonderful machine. Texas Lou