Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Now That's a "Selfie"

I guess the title isn't quite correct but it seemed a good idea at the time.  The photo is one I took this morning during the bottling. But it is really my hand!  It is always good when that job is all done and dusted.  My beer supplies have been updated and I can have a week or so 'off' as my empty bottle count gets higher until I need to go through the whole thing again!

This brew is an "English Bitter" and I have used very dark sugar to give it a bit of a caramel sensation.  The truth of it all will be in the drinking!

Trish is delighted her team has won its way into the AFL Grand Final.  They did it the hard way and now have a fourth difficult match to get through to win the Premiership Cup.

The weather has been getting a little warmer during the day as it should at this time of year.  However the nights remain decidedly cool.  One night it was down around 8 or 9 which isn't what we expect at this time of year.

The 'Storm Season" has come early.  We missed the worst of it Tuesday evening when some places to the south of us were covered in hail.  We had around an hour of heavy consistent rain Tuesday afternoon and this morning (Weds) I found 19mls in the rain gauge.  That is around 80pts in old speak!

There was heaps of thunder and lightning late yesterday as the heavy storm clouds came through.  It became so dark in the house we had to turn the lights on!

We had spent much of earlier in the day checking out Mooloolaba which is a popular holiday destination for southerners at this time of year especially as it is school holiday time still.

Traffic was heavy and slow so we ended up parking the car and walking.  We had a Thai lunch at around $10 a head.  It was great and quite generous in size.  Some bread rolls were all that was needed for last night's evening meal.  There was a stiff wind blowing at Mooloolaba beach so it wasn't all that pleasant walking along there.

On the way home we did a little shopping including a good sized rubber mat to put under the old car which now again lives on the driveway here at home.  Our friends have sold up and moved so the car has had to come home.  It drops a little oil so the rubber mat hopefully will help protect the driveway from unsightly oil marks.

The radiator required two new hoses so all is now back and working well.  We were fortunate not to do more (and very expensive) damage to the motor.

Got an android mobile phone or Android TV box?  Check out this website for apps to add:

And Arj has added a post to his blog about their recent trip to Istanbul:


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