Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Tuesday, 28 hours without my PC!

I dropped the main PC off at the repair shop yesterday morning with attached photos of what it had been doing. The guy at the shop seemed a bit gob smacked over some of the photos. It is in for a 'service' which includes a clean-up. PCs are well known for becoming dusty inside leading to breakdowns. The rest of the time there should be spent confirming what the problem is and confirming it is a hardware problem.

Sensational weather today, glorious sunny day with temps nudging mid 20's. So far I have done a 11k bike ride, bottled my most recent brew, mowed the lawns and cleaned the pool!

We have friends Gordon and Anne Atkin visiting the area beginning Friday for a week or so. They have family staying in Caloundra so we will only see a little of them. As Gordon is a Collingwood supporter, I guess we may see them Saturday night when Collingwood is on Pay TV in this part of Australia!

Another mate Graeme Williamson is visiting tomorrow afternoon and staying overnight. We will possibly sneak a few 'frothy tops" in I guess.

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