Sunday, August 09, 2009

Sunday Morning Report

The weather continues to be sensational with cloudless blue skies and glorious days with temps in the low 20's.

Today will be another 22 degree day but a little windy with winds temperate from the south west. There is a thought we will have temps in the high 20's for a couple of days later this week. Two friends of ours from Melbourne are visiting the Sunshine Coast with other family members. Anne and Gordon Atkin popped in Friday after lunch for a quick hello. We hope to catch up with them when their commitments permit.

The guy is coming to rejuvenate the poolside pavers on Monday and expects the job to take several days. It will include applying more pigmentation and resealing. Firstly the pavers will be cleaned, then the new pigment applied and finally sealed. Each stage will take about a day.

Whilst cleaning up last night I noticed the hot water wasn't too hot. It looks like the heating element has gone in the hot water service so we will have cold showers till it is replaced. Hopefully it will be done on Monday. These things always happen over the weekend don't they!

Yesterday's Computer Club was again busy where I caught up with several people to help them out. One of the tutorial presenters was ill so I was asked to step into the breach and do a repeat of one of my tutorials. Later in the day we caught up with Kate, Arj and two of the grand kids James and Charli via Skype. We head down to Melbourne in a little over 2 weeks time for a fortnight.

My footy team suffered another loss on Friday night but the cricket from England has made up for any disappointment I may have suffered.

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