Sunday, May 31, 2009

Those Hills Can Be Steep!

Sunday morning and I have just got back from my 10k bike ride. I go on my own on Sundays, my riding partner and his wife visit the Caloundra Market each Sunday morning so he doesn't ride.

My doctor suggested I should drop a few kilos. I told her I had a 10k bike ride most days but she suggested I include a few hills just to get the heart rate up a bit. There are some bloody big hills around here!

These two photos don't really show the size of some of the hills. The photo above left shows a very steep hill. It is so steep I have to get off the bike and walk it up this hill! The photo to the left shows another hill which is OK because you can usually get up enough speed down the hill to climb to the top of the next one. They sure get my heart rate up as per doctor's orders.

Plenty of live footy on TV over the weekend. This is one of the very few weeks I don't get to see my team 'live' because it is on Free To Air TV and is delayed by 60 mins. I will tune the radio in via the computer to keep up with scores. Trish's team is live on TV so we will be watching that.

My brew is going along nicely. This is the air-lock which allows the gas from the brew to escape as the fermentation process takes place. You can see the water level lower in the left chamber as the gas builds up to 'overflow' via the second chamber. When the air-lock stops bubbling, then the brew is ready to be bottled. It will probably be ready to bottle Wednesday or Thursday. Then it is another 2 weeks in the bottles until it is ready. I usually wait over 4 weeks rather than 2 weeks. The longer it is left in the bottles, the better it is.

On Saturday it was Computer Club as usual. I was offered to attend these sessions for free (usually there is a $4 entry fee) but I declined. I reckon I would feel obligated to help out as well as follow club guidelines if I accepted the free entry offer. The Club is not in favour of the use of pirate software and there are times when I discuss this with people seeking advice. I was pleased to receive the offer as it indicated my assistance was valued by the club.

I bought my 1TB external drive on Friday afternoon. I now have plenty of backup capacity. I will use it to back everything up.

Trish heads to Melbourne in just over two weeks.

I have just had it confirmed that Tassie Tigers, South Australian Redbacks and Queensland Bulls will be playing in a 3 way cricket warm up competition here on the Sunshine Coast for the week beginning September 28th.

Another sunny day today with temps in the low 20's. There is a persistent cold southerly breeze outside at the moment taking the edge of an extremely pleasant morning.

Friday, May 29, 2009

It Is Friday.

The week has gone quickly!

The weather has been perfect, mid to low teens overnight and early to mid 20's during the day. We have been bike riding most mornings. Some days three of us ride nowadays and we all are home brewers. So as we ride we discuss how are brews are going or what we are up to that day. If things are of interest we may tag along together. A couple of days we have finished up at someone's place and enjoyed a home brew together. I put another brew on this morning.

Tony has been getting Skype up and running on his Dell laptop. It now runs perfectly after his 'sound' problems. Yesterday a friend of theirs brought a laptop around to have Skype put on it too. Needless to say that was thirsty work so after everything was operating OK we had a couple of drinks together. Trish came with me and all three of the ladies present were members of Quilters or Stitchers so the ladies already knew each other too.

Trish and I both try to take a 20 minute walk most days. A walk down to around the lake and then back home is about 20 minutes. Right now there are some lovely autumn blossoms on a species of tree around the lake and the lorikeets are fighting with the honeyeaters as to who is going to get the nectar. The lorikeets are very pretty birds.

This afternoon I am off to check out a new external hard drive. The 'big' one I have does not have a good arrangement with the switch at the back of it. You can always get it to work but I am just scared that one day it won't work and I will be up the creek with my backups! One thing you can guarantee with an external hard drive is that one day it will die!

They are reasonably cheap to buy nowadays so I am going to check a couple of places out this afternoon.

John Hough is another friend of mine from the Computer Club. John is currently in Sydney where there is a family thing happening. Anyway, he sent me the joke which follows below. I hope you get a laugh from it.

It's Tough Getting Old

A senior citizen goes in for his yearly physical with his wife tagging along.
When the doctor enters the examination room he says, "I will need a urine sample, a stool sample, and a sperm sample."

The man, being hard of hearing, turns to his wife and asks, "What did he say?"

The wife yells back to him, "GIVE HIM YOUR UNDERPANTS"

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It's A Small World

Friday night was a little nerve racking with my footy team winning by a mere 2 points! Not the most restful Friday night I have had!

Computer Club Saturday morning and then watching more sport on TV over the weekend. Tony, who bought the laptop recently, has been trying to get his Skype to work and it now appears all is going well at last. He bought a Dell laptop who are known for their excellent backup service. It appears Tony needed to have some drivers updated so when he rang support (in the Philippines) the tech there took control of his laptop remotely and updated the drivers for him. We then had to reconfigure Skype to see his speakers before all was working OK.

On Monday I spent some time wandering around an "Anaconda" outdoors store which has recently opened here on the Sunshine Coast. Thank heavens the share market is still not too good or I would have brought home heaps of useless (but good) stuff! That was a great way to spend an hour!

We have met a lady (Betty) here on the estate. She walks daily and that is how we met her. She is on her own so I have been around to help out with sorting out her pool a couple of times. Trish has popped in several times for a coffee and chat. Currently Betty's mother is visiting and she lives close to where we were in Melbourne. Betty's mum asked me if I knew Betty's sister Beverly because she says she knows us! It turns out Bev is good friends with our former neighbour 'Rainy" who now lives at Drouin. It is a small world! Trish and I met Bev 12 months ago when in Melbourne for Rainy's 50th birthday party.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Enjoy This Yarn Too!

Wattie, an elderly Scottish farmer, received a letter from the Department for Work & Pensions, stating that they suspected he was not paying his employees enough and they would send an inspector to interview them.

On the appointed day, the inspector turned up. "Tell me about your staff," he asked Wattie.

"Well," said Wattie, "there's the farm hand. I pay him £240 a week, and he has a free cottage. Then there's the housekeeper. She gets £190 a week, along with free board and lodging.

There's also the half wit. He works a 16 hour day, does 90% of the work, earns about £25 a week, along with a bottle of whisky every week, and occasionally gets to sleep with my wife."

"That's who I want to talk to," said the inspector, "the half wit."

"That'll be me then " said Wattie.

Read the post below with rainfall totals from all over the Sunshine Coast!

How Wet Was It In Caloundra Overnight Wednesday?

Rainfall in this part of the world can be highly localised. The places which received the heaviest rainfall were right on the coast.

Rainfall figures for the recent wet 24 hours:

Caloundra: 264mm,
Kawana: 253mm, (15k's north)
Beerwah: 121mm, (30k's south west)
Maroochydore: 41mm, (25k's north)
Palmwoods: 16mm, (inland north 20k's)
Maleny: 6mm, (20k's west)
Nambour: 5.4mm, (30k's north west)
Yandina: 2mm, (40k's north west)
Eumundi:1.6mm, (60k's north west)
Noosa: 1mm (60k's north)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Not A Good Night To Watch PayTV.

Lucky we weren't planning to watch anything on Pay TV last night. Here Pay TV is delivered via satellite. Most of the time this is great unless there is very heavy cloud. Last night there was heaps of heavy cloud so the satellite signal could not get through. And from the heavy cloud we had 10.5 inches of rain! (261mls) in the 24 hours to 6:30 am this morning. It rained like I had never seen it rain before.

The heavy stuff started about 8:30 pm. On and off during the day we had 15 mls. I emptied 126mls (5") out of the rain gauge at 10:45 pm. It then poured. I tipped another 60 ml (nearly 2.5 inches) out at 11:25 and then another 61ml out at 12:50 am. We have had heavy rain here before but nothing as intense as this over 6 or so hours!

Remember to click on the picture if you want a larger view, then hit Back to return to this page.

Our total for the 24 hours was 261 ml, a whisker under 10.5 inches! The pavers to the shed (see above) were under water and the pool overflow could not keep up so the pool overflowed. The water in our sideway was a couple of inches deep. Fortunately I had uncovered my 'emergency' flood outlet so any overflow water escaped quickly, easily and safely!

Our road was totally flooded, you couldn't drive into our court. Cars are drying out as I type as water seeped in to them from the flooded roadway where they had been parked overnight. I found our recycling bin 50 metres down the court on a neighbour's nature strip! I went searching for it last night in water almost 60cm (2') deep! There were rubbish bins floating down the street! At its peak the water was within 1 metre of the palm on our front lawn!

The picture above was taken this morning so you get an idea of high it was got to last night seen here in the picture to the left . Trish and I couldn't sleep so we got back up again. We eventually hit the sack at about 2:30 am.

Then this morning the sun was out shining as if nothing had happened! It was a lovely bright morning but there was evidence everywhere that the night had been a pretty rough one!

Caloundra averages almost 1575mls per annum (about 63 inches). Here we are in mid May and we only need two more inches of rain to achieve our average annual total. We have had 1526 mls (61 inches) to this date!

Losing so much water from the pool means it again needs more salt to keep the manufacture of chlorine up to date!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

9 Months Later

Edith from the Computer Club sent me this one .....

Jack decided to go skiing with his buddy, Bob. So they loaded up Jack's minivan and headed north. After driving for a few hours, they got caught in a terrible blizzard. They pulled into a nearby farm and asked the attractive lady who answered the door if they could spend the night.

'I realize it's terrible weather out there and I have this huge house all to myself, but I'm recently widowed,' she explained. 'I'm afraid the neighbors will talk if I let you stay in my house.'

'Don't worry,' Jack said. 'We'll be happy to sleepin the barn, and if the weather breaks, we'll be gone at first light.' The lady agreed, and the two men found their way to the barn and settled in for the night.

Come morning, the weather had cleared, and they got on their way.

They enjoyed a great weekend of skiing.
But about nine months later, Jack got anunexpected letter from an attorney. It took him a few minutes to figure it out, but he finally determined that it was from the attorney of that attractive widow he had met on the ski weekend.

He dropped in on his friend Bob and asked, 'Bob, do you remember that good-looking widow from the farm we stayed at on our ski holiday up north about 9 months ago?'

'Yes, I do.' said Bob

'Did you, er, happen to get up in the middle of the night, go up to the house and pay her a visit?'

'Well, um, yes,' Bob said, a little embarrassed about being found out, 'I have to admit that I did.'

'And did you happen to give her my name instead of telling her your name?'

Bob's face turned beet red and he said, 'Yeah, look, I'm sorry, buddy, I'm afraid I did.' 'Why do you ask?'

'She just died and left me everything.'

And you thought the ending would be different, didn't you?... you know you keep that smile for the rest of the day!

My post on the wet weather up our way can be read below!

Yes It Is Wet But No Dramas

The rain over the last 24 hours here on the Sunshine Coast has been steady rather than a heavy tropical downpour. We have had almost 150mls since 6 am yesterday but this has fallen steadily over the 24 hours. Right now outside there are a couple of blue patches of sky.

This steady rain has allowed the water to get away and this part of the world prepares well for heavy tropical rainfall. In the last storm we had the street out front flooded. There is no backup of any water in the street at all during this period of rain! All drains are working well allowing the water to get away

I did go round to a friend's place today and help her lower the water level in her pool. Her backyard is saturated but given a couple of drying days everything will be back to normal again. The main road to Brisbane is cut and traffic cannot get through. At one stage all roads to Brisbane were impassable. The photo above shows the backup of traffic trying to get up here from Brisbane.

I am now typing this a couple of hours later. Though cloudy the rain has stopped, the temperature is a little warmer and the towels are drying on the clothes line. The worst day of the rain is due tomorrow. Brisbane's water supply has jumped by about 7% to 66% in the last 36 hours with more water continuing to pour into the dams.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Now This Is Scary!

I went laptop shopping with Tony on Sunday. He has been having a great time getting his new laptop set up. I am not a fan of the Vista Mail program Webmail and pointed Tony towards the Mozilla Email client called Thunderbird. It doesn't automatically import account information, it has to be setup manually. We tried the new program out and it asked us for the 8 character password to access Tony's email account when he hit send/receive. He had forgotten his password!

He tried the email passwords he knew all unsuccessfully. It was a mystery to him. He jumped into his old computer and inadvertently wiped the password from its Outlook Express. However we had set another anti-spam program up on the old computer called 'Mailwasher' and it too had to log in to his email account so it 'knew' the password. Mailwasher had automatically imported all the email account details from Outlook Express. When we got into Mailwasher's account settings there was the password but it was a row of asterisks! These pictures are from my version of Mailwasher.

Later I jumped on the internet and found a little program called Multi Password Recovery. You can download it from HERE. It is a 'portable' program (1.2MB) which means you don't have to install it, you can just run it from the computer desktop. Download the program, sit it on your desktop and double click on it to run it. It will find all the passwords on your computer. But what is scarier is if you go across the top to Other and select 'Show passwords behind asterisks'. Select it and a small screen opens saying to Hold Control and select the asterisks of the password.

When you let go, the small screen tells you what letters were hidden below the asterisks! So your password can now be 'seen'! I have smudged the password in this pic. You may need to click on these pictures to enlarge them, then click on Back to return to this page!

This is just further evidence of everyone's need to have a good firewall and protect themselves from the nasties out there on the internet. Remember too that you have a firewall in your 'router/modem' which stops most nasties!

The rain has set in this morning. There were 41 mls in the rain gauge from last night. However it was dry enough for me to ride this morning. Then the heavens opened up. Today we have had another 30mls of rain (1"+ Lou Ann) and more is expected Wednesday, Thursday and into Friday!

I have just had a call from the paving guy informing me that Amber Tiles will have my pavers rejuvenated and then professionally sealed. All this will be at minimal cost to me and maybe even at no charge. We never had the pavers 'sealed' so I don't mind paying a little to have them sealed along with a 15 year guarantee! This could be done as early as next week.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Skies Cloud Over Beginning A Wet Week

We have had a 'usual' weekend. Footy on TV on Friday night with Computer Club again on Saturday. I did a Tutorial on Firefox Add-ons and other Bits 'n Pieces. I started off by talking about using Google to answer many questions. You get an error message on your PC, what should you do? I suggest write down what the error message is and then 'Google' it. Other people talked about translating pages using Google. One member then visited a Russian newspaper website and translated the page using Google!

My Tutorial went OK and several members thanked me when I had finished.

It was footy on TV on Saturday afternoon and evening.

On Sunday I went to our local computer stores with Tony. He said he was 'just looking' at laptops. Tony has only just recently joined the Computer Club and he is getting caught up in the whole computer thing. He has a very slow old laptop and was checking out prices if he were to update. He doesn't have a lot to spend so he wanted to see what he could get for his money. He came home with a $1000 laptop.

Our lovely sunny weather for last couple of weeks has now been replaced with cloudy showery weather. We have been told by the weather forecasters to expect heavy rain Wednesday and Thursdays. It is expected this will then push the dam totals for Brisbane to over 60% and a further relaxation of water restrictions for the Brisbane area.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Friday's Post

For me Wednesday was quiet. Trish went to "Stitchers" while I stayed at home and messed about on the computer. I took a walk during the afternoon after my 10k bike ride earlier that day.

Wednesday was our Wedding Anniversary so we decided the Dicky Beach Surf Club would be a great spot for a meal that evening. The place was very busy but we found a table and enjoyed a generous serve of Lamb Shanks along with a couple of drinks. The meal was extremely enjoyable and the Dicky Beach Surf Club will be a great place for us to take visitors. They had raffles there too. Trish ran into a few of her workmates from when she worked at Sunshine Coast Private Hospital and she enjoyed catching up with them.

About 7:30 we headed to the Caloundra RSL as they had some entertainment on. A group was doing Tina Turner and Janis Joplin songs. We enjoyed the show very much, had a great night out and enjoyed a few drinks. Needless to say we both slept well

Thursday I had arranged to pop around to another friend's place and set up his home network and do some more work with him on getting movies. I was there all day. The networking again did not go well. I think the problem was his firewall. But we got it to kind of work OK. We will swap his firewall over I think. We also checked out his sound set up on his TV. For him to get things to work the way he wants requires him to spend a bit of money.

Friday was again a bike ride first thing and then around to Tony's place to sort out something to help stop him getting spam emails. A quick check of my brew found it was ready to bottle so I hastily washed and dried bottles.

Tomorrow (Saturday) is Computer Club and I am doing a presentation on Add-ons for Firefox.

Read the story below, I enjoyed it.

A Good Story

Edith has been doing well this week. This is the second story of her's that I have added to my blog page.


George, an elderly man, was going up to bed, when his wife told him that he'd left the light on in the garden shed, which she could see from the bedroom window. George opened the back door to go turn off the light, but saw that there were people in the shed stealing things.

He phoned the police, who asked "Is someone in your house?"

He said "No," but some people are breaking into my garden shed and stealing from me.

Then the police dispatcher said "All patrols are busy. You should lock your doors and an officer will be along when one is available."

George said, "Okay."

He hung up the phone and counted to 30.

Then he phoned the police again.

"Hello, I just called you a few seconds ago because there were people stealing things from my shed. Well, you don't have to worry about them now because I just shot them." and he hung up.

Within five minutes, six Police Cars, a SWAT Team, a Helicopter, two Fire Trucks, a Paramedic, and an Ambulance showed up at the residence, and caught the burglars red-handed.

One of the Policemen said to George, "I thought you said that you'd shot them!"

George said, "I thought you said there was nobody available!"

(True Story) I LOVE IT! Don't mess with old people.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

More Computer Stuff

It continues busy at the Thomas household.

Saturday's Computer Club was busy for me. One older member had done a System Restore all the way back for a month! She had almost 400MB of updates to do to get everything up to date again. Fortunately members have free internet access at the club so she was able to update it all. I also updated her firewall and now everything seems OK again.

I helped another chap with his Blog Page and advised him on 'easy' ways to get to his blog's "Dashboard" (where you plan what you will do that day on your Blog). Later he sent me a nice email saying all was working well.

Then another older lady wanted to insert a Wordfind into the monthly newsletter she wrote. Eventually we did a screenshot of the wordfind and inserted it via word as if inserting a picture into a piece. It turns out the Newsletter is for one of Trish's Stitchery Groups!

Yesterday in the morning a helped a guy to burn CD's and DVD's. Then Trish and I went to the doctors to update our prescriptions and to have our annual flu jabs. After lunch we headed to a local Shopping Centre. I was after a sleeveless light colored jacket, just ideal for where we live.

Trish is off on a sewing Bus trip today to Toowoomba while I headed back to sort out that Network I tried to set up from last week. Upon arrival we started up both computers. I said to her not to be surprised if the network is up and running. As soon as we started them up, the computers 'saw' each other. Then it was just a case of quickly setting up folder sharing and it was all done.

She is now pleased to be able to easily swap photos and files between their two computers.

With the scare I got the other week from the power surge I spotted a surge protected power board for sale on the internet. It also has individual switches for each outlet as well as a couple of well spaced outlets to take 'power adapters'. I was able to install it just behind the printer and monitor where I have good access to the switches. Each switch has its own red indicator light so I reckon it will look like a decorated Christmas tree each night when we turn the lights out! We won't need a 'night light' in the Computer Room any more.

This afternoon the sun has struggled to show its face. It is cool, about 22 degrees after 15 overnight. It is supposed to be about 26 on the weekend.

Monday, May 11, 2009

This Brought A Smile To My Face

Now Edith is over 90 years of age and is a member of the Sunshine Coast Computer Club. She just bought herself a new computer! She also sends me emails and I just had to share this one with everyone:

Two guys, one old timer and one young, are pushing their carts around Bunnings when they collide.

The old timer says to the young guy, 'Sorry about that. I'm looking for my wife, and I guess I wasn't paying attention to where I was going.

'The young guy says, 'That's OK. It's a coincidence. I'm looking for my wife, too. I can't find her and I'm getting a little desperate.'

The old guy says, 'Well, maybe we can help each other. What does your wife look like?'

The young guy says, 'Well, she is 24 yrs old, tall, with blonde hair, big blue eyes, long legs, big boobs, and she's wearing tight white shorts, a halter top and no bra. 'What does your wife look like?'

The old timer says...... 'Doesn't matter --- let's look for yours.'

Most Old timers are helpful like that!

(Lou Ann, Bunnings is a huge DIY store we have here in Australia)

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Before I Head Off To Computer Club

It is early. My cup of coffee is steaming in front of me as I type. It is a cloudless blue sky but there is a chill in the air. It is around 14 degrees outside.

Our afternoon and evening assisting Peter set up his computer for downloading movies along with a few other things was busy. Trish enjoys the company of Peter's friend Cheryl so they headed to the shops. Peter cooked a great red curry and another satay dish. It was terrific. The company was wonderful, the meal tasty and we achieved much of what we had set out to do. The threatening showers developed into an overnight downpour. We arrived back home around midnight.

The guys I ride with decided it was too wet so we all stayed home Thursday morning.

The overnight rain had produced 37 mls of rain and gave the garden a very good watering. A friend has just installed a pool so I trotted around to her place on Thursday to help her drain some of the excess rain water from her pool. We also ran through another couple of pool procedures.

I am looking at changing the method I use to sanitize my beer bottles prior to washing so later on Thursday morning I headed into Bunnings (a large DIY shop Lou Ann) and purchased a funnel and a watering can. I will sanitize my bottles by soaking them in a weak mixture of water and bleach for 20 minutes. Later that afternoon I rode the bike around to a mate's place (Tony) and had a talk about home brewing and then we enjoyed a couple of quiet beers. Tony is recommencing making home brew again so we talked through the methods each of us use.

Friday was sunny again so we managed a quick 10k bike ride. We arranged to meet later so I could show Tony (seen here in the yellow top) how to add pics and text to the BeCA online web site. Then I headed around to another Computer Club member's home to help her set up a home network. They are usually straight forward to setup but I just couldn't get this one to work. She needs to restart her modem/router each day to get internet connection so there is a possible hardware problem there.

The guys I ride with (Tony and Paul) arrived for the quick PC tutorial on web sites about 3 pm and afterwards we knocked off a few home brews. The pic above shows the three of us relaxing poolside.

Today (Saturday) I have Computer Club and then I will become a couch potato again and watch the footy on TV. Trish's team which beat mine to win the premiership last year suffered an embrrassing loss to a lowly ranked Essendon last night.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Wednesday Again

It has been a while since I last entered something on my blog page.

The weekend saw me to the Computer Club again where I was pleased to be able to help some people out again. The rest of the weekend was spent as a couch potato watching the Aussie Rules footy on TV.

Monday was bottle washing day followed by a visit to a friend named Betty who we have met while riding. Betty has just had a pool put in and had a few problems with the installer. The pool 'handover' was brief so Betty wasn't sure how to run her salt chlorinator. It is the same make as the chlorinator we have on our pool but it is the latest model. We were able to work it all out though.

Trish did her volunteer morning at the Tourist Info Centre Tuesday morning while I was busy investigating movie downloads on the internet.

The computer is working pretty well at the moment with only one 'restart' required the last 3 or 4 days. Trish is sewing this morning and then later today we are invited to a friend's place for tea. I will spend a bit of time with him getting him to be able to download movies, setting up the appropriate software, registering at the better download sites and finally setting up his Rapidshare Account. That Peter enjoys a few beers and red wine is a further benefit. He is also a keen cook and is doing the cooking for the meal.

The photos above were taken the other morning and are of the Bellvista Lake, the centre piece of the estate, and a nesting black swan which has made its home at Lake Bellvistsa.

Today I bottled a brew and here is another box ready for the 4 week wait until it is OK to drink. Our weather has been overcast and showery with max temps about 24. Being cloudy, it is not cold overnight with temps around 15 or so. We have had a few mls of rain each night, enough to keep the garden watered and enough to prevent us from riding the last two days. Right now mid morning it is a cool 17 degrees with showers threatening!

I had an email from our grandson Andrew yesterday with a movie attached. It is a quick clip of him playing Aussie Rules footy which he just loves. I have uploaded the clip to Youtube and the link is to the right no. 9 in Rogue's Gallery - Movies of the Grand Kids! He is the little guy wearing no. 6. Or just click here.

Friday, May 01, 2009

Paul Kelly

Paul Kelly is an Australian musician who is very well known here. He has had numerous hit songs and is a very popular performer. Last night Paul Kelly performed here in Caloundra and Trish and I went along to a packed "Caloundra Event Centre' to listen in. It was a night not to be missed.

Paul Kelly was preceded on stage by an American Blues singer named Charlie Parr. Throughout the 40 minute session he sang about 10 songs and to the uninitiated you may well have thought many of the songs were the same. But could this guy play the guitar? It was worth watching just to see how he made that guitar dance.

After an intermission of about 20 minutes, Paul Kelly and his group came on stage. A very pleasant surprise was that the single female backing singer was Vikka Bull. She sang at least half a dozen songs and man, can she belt out a song! She is a terrific singer. I found I need not have worn my hearing aid to the concert last night and I would not have missed a thing!

But Paul Kelly was certainly the highlight of the night. We both enjoyed some of his slower less rocky songs such as "To Her Door". The night was great. The group came back on for two encores and finished at about 11 pm.

This same concert gets down to Melbourne (Paul Kelly's home town) about May 22nd.

A cool overcast day today, especially this afternoon with temp about 21 or so. Winter is on its way! It was sunny this morning when we had a 14k bike ride.