Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Slowly Getting Back To Normal

We have now spent a couple of days getting back to normal following the departure of our visitors. We tend to eat out a lot when we have visitors so to again return to chops on the BBQ and plenty of vegetables for our evening meal is almost as good as 'going out'.

The floor at home required a bit of attention so that was done. We found time for a 1 hour walk down to the lake which was great in the sunshine. Some other 'odd jobs' needed doing too, pool cleaning, clean up the BBQ, update how we set the BBQ up etc. all were done.

This morning (Tuesday) was the time to replenish my beer supplies so I put two brews on. They may be ready to bottle in a week or so. I have been making a 'black' ale from time to time lately so one of the two brews was a black this morning. This will make about 60 large bottles of beer. However brewing times will be longer than usual because of the cool weather at this time of the year.

I am beginning to catch up with emails again too which is good. I have also been busy accessing movies via broadband. I have discovered a download program which allows me set the time for a download to commence. I have two download allocation types in my broadband package, peak and off peak. I am able to use the download program to set a movie download to happen overnight in off peak and not impact on my regular broadband access time. I am beginning to build up quite a collection of recent release movies to watch later in the year.

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