Monday, August 13, 2007

Life Goes On

We could sure do with a drop of rain. We arrived home from Melbourne on July 20th. Over the next few days we recorded 12 mls of rain. Since then we have not had a drop. The lawns and gardens are beginning to show it too.

Though not under water restrictions here in Caloundra, our Brisbane cousins have their dam capacity now at under 17% and severe water restrictions are in place. Many people around here have also become water conscious and nowadays just don't water their lawns and gardens in 'sympathy'.

Despite a cool morning (8/50 degrees) we set off on our daily ride albeit a little later than usual after it has warmed up a little to about 20/72 degrees. (Fahrenheit figures are for the West Texas connection!). We did about 10 k's today through some very pretty pathways beside now dry creeks and over bridges. It is an extremely pleasant way to begin the day (as these photos show).

We had a kookaburra land on the garden shed today. This is good news. Developing areas such as ours with few established trees etc seems to scare the birds away. It seems now as the area becomes established again, the trees are growing enough to attract the birdlife back.

Footy was great over the weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for converting for West Texas. Enjoy your pictures always. The sunrise looks a lot like some of ours. Isn't it amazing how our big world is so familiar to all of us?