Sunday, August 12, 2007

Not A Lot Happening

All continues quiet on the Sunshine Coast front!

Downloading movies off the internet continues at a frenetic rate. Converting .avi files into DVD files continues. Surfing the internet to find more movie download sites continues!

Watching the footy most of the weekend on TV continues.

Enjoying beautiful sunrises such as this one continues.

We are slowly ramping up our bike ride distances and this morning I clocked over 11 kilometres. Magpie swooping season is almost here when parent birds swoop bike riders and some pedestrians to keep them away from their nests and new born young. You get one heck of a fright when a magpie swoops you, you don't see it coming and all you hear is the sound of bird wings then a high shriek. They tend to fly past you from behind almost touching your bike helmet. More aggressive birds will peck you on the head or around the ears as they scream past you.

Trish recently bought a cyclist's safety flag which she will put onto the rear wheel thus creating some protection from low rear swooping birds. I will use cable ties attached to my helmet again.

I will put a few photos up of our defence strategies when the swooping season arrives!

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