Thursday, August 30, 2007

Melbourne's Warm Weather

Just prior to leaving the Sunshine Coast we had a welcome visitor, a kookaburra popped in to see us. This looked like a young bird but did not seem frightened by us.

For those living overseas, the kookaburra is an Australian bird which is renowned for its 'laugh'. Its call sounds as if it is laughing. It also has the name "Laughing Jackass". It is a meat eater and is known to feed on small rodents, lizards and even snakes.

We fed him some BBQ sausage which he did not really like. It was great to have it visit us.

We flew to Melbourne Wednesday afternoon and caught up with all the grandchildren as well as Kate, Kim and Chris' wife Wendy. Chris was finishing his study! (He was doing his final exam).

It was a great night. On Thursday we settled in to living out of a suitcase. I spent much of the day with Gordon Atkin with my external hard drive installing various pieces of computer software which had been acquired in certain ways! A BBQ with Kate, Arj and the kids completed a quiet first day in Melbourne! And the max of 25 degrees was great too. Cooler wet weather is forecast for tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Melbourne Tomorrow

Today is getting ready to go away time. Lots of small jobs like clean the pool, mow the lawn, clear things from under the patio, put the bikes away and put outdoor furniture in a safe spot. We also have to arrange to have the mail collected for us and the 14 potplants watered. Then the bins need to be brought in too! Lots of little fiddly things to do.

We arrive in Melbourne Wednesday afternoon and we return to the Sunshine Coast on Monday Sept 10.

We have a small courtyard to one side of the house. Building requirements mean this has to be so the toilet, laundry and 'office' (3rd bedroom) can have windows and therefore fit into building regulations. The area is so small though you can hardly do anything with it. We had potplants in there but it gets so hot in summer the plants don't like it all.

We are now up to option 3! It is another variation on the 'beer garden' we have had in there before.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Sam The Bellhop

Unfortunately you will most likely need to have a broadband connection to view this.

Either that or go to:

Thanks again to Keith for this.

Nice sunny day again as the place begins to dry out. We are expecting about 23 or so.

Sunday, August 26, 2007


I was just about to put another blog post up yesterday when friends from Melbourne arrived for a quick visit. About 4 hours later they went and I was not in any condition (or frame of mind) to do the blog page!

A few showers Saturday morning saw the end of the rain. Blue sky started to show and the place warmed up quickly to the low 20's. It was great to have the sunshine back again, the weather does have an impact on your 'frame of mind'. The pool needed a good clean and some general tidying up needed to be done. This photo was taken mid morning on Saturday as the rain just cleared!

When in living in Melbourne I was at the football most weekends. There was a group of us who would meet and this made going to the footy lots of fun. A few beers and a good chat was always on the cards. There were many humorous stories too over those 30 years! The group changed a bit. The chap who dropped in yesterday was one of those guys I used to go to the footy with. It was a great afternoon.

Today (Sunday) I have cleaned the swimming pool, cleaned the pool filter and completed some tidying up after the rain.

Not only did we get a total of 304 mls (12 inches) of rain for the week, we also had gale force south easterly winds for the 5 or 6 days. This photo shows how 'ingrained' the rain became blown against the wall of the house. Though we have had no rain for well over 24 hours, the bricks on the eastern wall of the house remain saturated.

The lad Chris has a new job and he will be working for Boeing in Port Melbourne.

Blogger (at ) really makes making your own blog page very easy. There are numerous tools available for you to use to make your page interesting. It is easy to add photos and links. You can choose your 'design' from many templates, add and remove 'elements' easily and just today they have made it so you can add your own video to the page. This is not a good idea though for readers who are on 'dial-up' as it would slow down how the page loads. Try it, it is lots of fun and so easy to do.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Rain And More Rain!

For three weeks I did not have to bother about tipping any rain out of the rain gauge. And being August (our driest month with just over 60mls average) this was not surprising. However the freak conditions which have prevailed since a storm first struck on Tuesday night has seen rainfall records for the Sunshine Coast smashed to pieces.

Here has been relatively dry compared to what has happened north of Noosa. There, recordings of over 600mls were made in the 24 hours to 9 am this morning! I emptied the rain gauge yesterday morning about 6:30 am. This morning I tipped out 134 mls at about the same time. It is now approaching 11 am and there is another 20+ mls in the gauge.

This makes a whopping 153 mls since 6:30 am yesterday, (6 inches in the old terms) and a total almost 240 mls for the week!

Click on this photo for a larger view.

At the foot of this blog page is an add-on which provides some weather details for the Sunshine Coast. These figures are taken from the Maroochydore Airport about 30 kms north of here and therefore are a little different to my figures.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Lots Of Wind And Rain

After a beautiful day yesterday it began to cloud over just on dusk. There was even some light drizzle. By ten pm it was pouring with rain and the wind was howling across the backyard.

I tipped 33 mls out of the rain gauge this morning and now at about 10 am there is another 5 or 6 mls in the gauge! The wind continues to blow. In just three days we have topped our August rainfall average. This photo is similar to the one I took yesterday, the only difference is about 24 hours!

There are shredded palm fronds around the place and in the pool. The wind comes in gusts and there are gusts strong enough to topple this pot over. Fortunately the fence has saved the pot from being damaged. The strong wind is expected to drop later this afternoon. The beaches will be closed today and in many places the supply of electricity will be interrupted. The electric train from Brisbane is not running to the Sunshine Coast (Nambour) today and the Sunshine Coast Airport at Maroochydore was closed last night and is still closed this morning.

From Today's Local Newspaper:

Winds of almost 100kmh have brought down trees across the Sunshine Coast, leaving thousands of homes without power.

Police said one lucky driver escaped with only minor damage to his car as he managed to brake heavily as a tree came down on Karawatha Drive, Mountain Creek, about 9pm.

Another driver was even luckier when a car came crashing down on his car at Kunda Park at 2am, trapping him inside.

The driver told Mix-FM he was driving home from work when a huge tree fell out of the sky, bouncing off his car as he kept going along about 30 metres. He lost control of the vehicle, sliding onto the wrong side of the road.

A passing motorist managed to rescue him and the driver escaped with only minor injuries.

But he said his car looked like it had a dead man in it and was completely crushed.

A truck also jackknifed during heavy rain on the Sunshine Motorway near Wises Farm this morning, but it is understood nobody was seriously hurt.

Residents phoned in reports of trees being down in Peachester, Sugarbag Road, Caloundra, Kuluin and Coolum but there had been not been reports of any major property damage late last night.

Energex said that throughout the day and night, 68,754 homes and businesses were affected by the extreme weather.

Isolated heavy rain also caused some access issues for crews as they attempted to repair damage, but despite the challenging conditions, dozens of crews safely restored power to the vast majority of customers within two hours of power going out.

At 8.30am today, there were more than 7000 Sunshine Coast customers still without power, with most of those in the Mapleton, Montville, Flaxton and Palmwoods areas, and 1000 in Buderim.

An Energex spokeswoman said crews were hoping to have power restored to most Coast homes by lunch time, however the high winds made repair work more difficult.

The rough weather forced the closure of Sunshine Coast airport last night, with all inbound and outbound flights cancelled, but it is expected to reopen about 10am today.

Rail services north of Caboolture have also been cancelled because of power outages.

Some beaches on the Coast are closed and surfing coach Robbie Sherwell warned that only the most experienced surfers should even consider heading into the ocean.

"There are 3m swells behind Point Cartwright - it's just a huge white-water wall - and there's about 2m of swell behind the Alex Surfclub," he told

A Bureau of Meteorology forecaster said this morning that winds of more than 95kmh were recorded in Maroochydore overnight, while gusts reached around 120kmh further north at Double Island Point.

He said the winds would slowly ease this afternoon, although showers are expected to continue until the end of the week.

The severe storm cell hit the Gold Coast about 11am yesterday, with winds reaching more than 85kmh and more than 100mm falling in the hinterland during the day.

The cell reached Moreton Bay in the late afternoon and the Sunshine Coast around 9pm.

At 11pm, police said they were being inundated with calls from people reporting fallen trees across the road, including at Hunchy Road, Hunchy, on Nambour-Bli Bli Road near Atkinson Road, Pelican Waters Boulevard, and Coolum-Yandina Road, near Apps Road.

Workers with chainsaws made light work of a fallen tree on Yandina-Coolum Road, while earlier police officers kicked away fallen branches on Bli Bli Road.

In Maleny, weather watcher Patrick Stacey said the downpour started at 4.55pm, with the rain quite hard at times but patchy.

“The low has drifted further south, squeezing up the isobars, but (the weather) seems to be just below Brisbane,” Mr Stacey said about 5pm.

“Here, it’s just a nice belt of rain, just what we need.

“It might just be we are on the fringe (of the weather), it would seem.”

Earlier yesterday, the The University of the Sunshine Coast cancelled evening classes.

The university issued an email warning asking students to keep an eye on the weather and for those reliant on public transport to consider leaving early.

At 3.30pm, the university cancelled evening classes and urged students to go home early as the severe storm front ripped down power lines at the Gold Coast.

They email read: “It is unclear how the campus will be affected, so in the interests of public safety, all classes starting after 5pm have been cancelled.”

However, many did not take the warning seriously because of deceptive blue sky and gentle breeze.

Ben Meredith, of Buddina, said he wasn’t leaving early because of the storm threat.

“I’m quite sceptical about the whole thing,” he said. “My car is under cover so I’m not worried.”

One Caboolture couple decided to hit the road early after hearing the storm system was approaching their houses.

Shannon Johnston and Jamie Sukkar, both 19, were relaxing between classes when they heard about the warning.

They decided to leave the campus at around 3.30pm in the hope of making it home before the worst of the weather hit.

“We weren’t too concerned about it until we found out it was already at Caboolture,” Jamie said.

“We have to drive 40 minutes from here to there and I need to get my car undercover.”

University spokesman Terry Walsh said the last time classes were cancelled was in March 2004 when wild weather lashed the Coast.

He said staff were confident the buildings would withstand the strong winds, but had issued the warning as a precaution.

Classes have resumed again this morning.

A Lismore woman, reported driving to the Gold Coast through extremely hazardous conditions as gale force winds slammed motorists on the Pacific Highway yesterday.

Elly Bird said she slowly navigated the worst of it to arrive to her destination safely.

“I was getting buffeted off the road, and the occasional big blast of wind,” she said.

“It’s raining really heavily here and the wind is amazing!”

This surfer enjoyed the rising seas yesterday at Noosa before the full storm hit last night.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Still Before The Storm

I took this photo a couple of minutes ago (11:40 am) from our front door. It is a glorious morning here after I tipped another 7 mls of rain from the gauge following on from yesterday morning's rain.

The forecast however is for severe storms to hit the coast this afternoon. The following is from today's local paper:

"The Coast may have woken to blue, sunny skies this morning, but we are being warned to brace ourselves for wild weather late today and the rest of the week.

Swells of up to five metres are predicted to hit our beaches this afternoon, along with gale-force winds of up to 90kmh late in the day. The high winds may also reach inland parts of the south-east.

In severe weather warnings issued this morning, the Bureau of Meteorology warned people to secure loose outdoor items and beware of fallen trees and powerlines.

It also advised people to stay clear of the open ocean, as large waves and rip currents may develop.

The bureau said wind gusts up to 109kmh had been recorded this morning in northern New South Wales at Byron Bay, Ballina and Evans Head. The winds brought down trees at a property in Pottsville, just 20km south of the Queensland border, reports said."

Follow this link to a page which will provide a live webcam view of the Gold Coast surf about 150k's south of us here.

On this page you will also find a link to "Kings". That is our local surf beach here in Caloundra and you can check out that beach 'live'!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

From A Mate Of Mine

How the language of the world will become one??

European Commission has just announced an agreement whereby English will be the official language of the European Union rather than German, which was the other possibility.

As part of the negotiations, the British Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a 5- year phase-in plan that would become known as "Euro-English".

In the first year, "s" will replace the soft "c". Sertainly, this will make the sivil servants jump with joy.

The hard "c" will be dropped in favour of "k". This should klear up konfusion, and keyboards kan have one less letter.

There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year when the troublesome "ph" will be replaced with "f". This will make words like fotograf 20% shorter.

In the 3rd year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible.

Governments will enkourage the removal of double letters which have always ben a deterent to akurate speling.

Also, al wil agre that the horibl mes of the silent "e" in the languag is disgrasful and it should go away.

By the 4th yer people wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing "th" with "z" and "w" with "v".

During ze fifz yer, ze unesesary "o" kan be dropd from vords kontaining "ou" and after ziz fifz yer, ve vil hav a reil sensi bl riten styl.

Zer vil be no mor trubl or difikultis and evrivun vil find it ezi tu understand ech oza. Ze drem of a united urop vil finali kum tru.

Und efter ze fifz yer, ve vil al be speking German like zey vunted in ze forst plas.

If zis mad you smil, pleas pas on to oza pepl.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Friday Update

The weather is beginning to warm up and we had a very pleasant 25 degrees at 9:30 this morning. This was accompanied by a strong north westerly wind which made the 13 k bike ride a little more challenging this morning.

The wattle is well and truly out at the moment and trees such as these can be seen everywhere on the estate. It is still not as spectacular as the wattle we used to see when I was teaching at Hoddle's Creek at the back of the Dandenongs (near Yarra Junction) 30 years ago! The wattles were truly spectacular there.

This link below will take you to see a few more photos from our day trip to Pomona and Noosa we made on Wednesday. You may need to click on "Back" to return to this page. It takes you to a slide show of the 7 pics.

If you run your mouse pointer over the slide being shown the letter "i" appears. Click on this for a brief description of the slide being shown. Hit the "X" to see the photo without the description.

On Thursday we drove to Maroochydore and the biggest shopping complex on the Sunshine Coast. We spent a couple of hours there before heading to the Maroochydore RSL for a $6-95 lunch. I had a chicken curry while Trish found a lamb's fry dish to her liking. It was very pleasant and a much better meal than we had at the Tewantin RSL the day before. Toasted sandwiches did us for tea!

Friends from Melbourne (Max and Margaret - from my VFL Park days) are currently caravanning in Brisbane. Max's daughter Kylie lives in one of Brisbane's northern suburbs. Max worked in the building industry and is a skilled and versatile tradesman. Kylie's house has been undergoing some renovations courtesy of her dad! The renovations are almost completed and Max and Margaret are bringing the van up to Caloundra for a few days before heading home to Victoria. We expect to spend some time with them later next week.

Congratulations to our daughter Kim on her new employment initiative!

Rain continues to be forecast for Saturday night and into Sunday. The lawns and gardens here are due for a good drenching!

Our daughter Kate and her two children Charli and James are all suffering from heavy colds at the moment! It is not a happy household to be in right now!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Bottling and Tripping

It has been a few days since I posted anything on the blog page. Things have been a little busy. These are the two fermenters I have had going filled with my home brew before it is ready to bottle. With cool nights it is important to try to keep the temperature above 20 degrees (70F) so it can ferment prior to bottling. Wrapping them up in blankets helps to keep the warmth in. Both fermenters have now been bottled and need to sit for at least another two weeks (preferably 3 or 4 weeks) before they are ready to drink. Most of my brews sit for more like 6 weeks.

Yesterday we set off in the car to look through a couple of towns we had heard about, (and seen on TV) just to the north of Noosa. All in all it was a bit disappointing, the towns were not that different to anything else we had seen. This is the mountain which overlooks Pomona. We also had a quick look at Cooroy.

Visitors to Noosa are always told to go to Boreen Point on Lake Coroibah which is about 20ks north of Noosa. The best thing about Boreen Point was the hotel as this photo shows. There was only a general store there and quite a few holiday homes. I guess if you were into sailing it would be attractive but we were a little disappointed.

We then headed into Tewantin (a suburb of Noosa) and the RSL for lunch. What the meal lacked in taste it more than made up with quantity. On the way back to the car I took this photo of the Noosa River. For us this was probably the most attractive spot we visited during the day. However we can say that we have been to Cooroy and Boreen Point!

The West Texas friend is off to the Great Lakes on a bus trip on Friday. We all sit back here in Australia, a little green with envy. However all of us retireds (or many of us anyway) have our eyes on another part of USA ... Wall St and what is happening to the share market! It is a bit scary at the moment!

One piece of good news for us is the forecast of rain on the Sunshine Coast for Saturday and Sunday. We have not had a drop for over three weeks now.

Remember to click on the photos for a larger view. Then click 'back' to return to this page.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Life Goes On

We could sure do with a drop of rain. We arrived home from Melbourne on July 20th. Over the next few days we recorded 12 mls of rain. Since then we have not had a drop. The lawns and gardens are beginning to show it too.

Though not under water restrictions here in Caloundra, our Brisbane cousins have their dam capacity now at under 17% and severe water restrictions are in place. Many people around here have also become water conscious and nowadays just don't water their lawns and gardens in 'sympathy'.

Despite a cool morning (8/50 degrees) we set off on our daily ride albeit a little later than usual after it has warmed up a little to about 20/72 degrees. (Fahrenheit figures are for the West Texas connection!). We did about 10 k's today through some very pretty pathways beside now dry creeks and over bridges. It is an extremely pleasant way to begin the day (as these photos show).

We had a kookaburra land on the garden shed today. This is good news. Developing areas such as ours with few established trees etc seems to scare the birds away. It seems now as the area becomes established again, the trees are growing enough to attract the birdlife back.

Footy was great over the weekend.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Not A Lot Happening

All continues quiet on the Sunshine Coast front!

Downloading movies off the internet continues at a frenetic rate. Converting .avi files into DVD files continues. Surfing the internet to find more movie download sites continues!

Watching the footy most of the weekend on TV continues.

Enjoying beautiful sunrises such as this one continues.

We are slowly ramping up our bike ride distances and this morning I clocked over 11 kilometres. Magpie swooping season is almost here when parent birds swoop bike riders and some pedestrians to keep them away from their nests and new born young. You get one heck of a fright when a magpie swoops you, you don't see it coming and all you hear is the sound of bird wings then a high shriek. They tend to fly past you from behind almost touching your bike helmet. More aggressive birds will peck you on the head or around the ears as they scream past you.

Trish recently bought a cyclist's safety flag which she will put onto the rear wheel thus creating some protection from low rear swooping birds. I will use cable ties attached to my helmet again.

I will put a few photos up of our defence strategies when the swooping season arrives!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Lateral Thinking?

A mate sent me this yesterday. I love the logic:

No Nursing Home for Me

About 2 years ago my wife and I were on a cruise through the western Mediterranean aboard a princess liner.

At dinner we noticed an elderly lady sitting alone by the rail of the grand stairway in the main dining room.

I also noticed that all the staff, ships officers, waiters, busboys, etc., all seemed very familiar with this lady.

I asked our waiter who the lady was, expecting to be told that she owned the line, but he said he only knew that she had been on board for the last four cruises, back to back.

As we left the dining room one evening I caught her eye and stopped to say hello. We chatted and I said, "I understand you've been on this ship for the last four cruises". She replied, "Yes, that's true."

I stated, "I don't understand" and she replied, without a pause, "It's cheaper than a nursing home".

So, there will be no nursing homes in my future. When I get old and feeble, I am going to get on a Princess Cruise Ship. The average cost for a nursing home is $200 per day.

I have checked on reservations at Princess and I can get a long term discount and senior discount price of $135 per day. That leaves $65 a day for:

1. Gratuities which will only be $10 per day.

2. I will have as many as 10 meals a day if I can waddle to the restaurant, or I can have room service (which means I can have breakfast in bed every day of the week).

3. Princess has as many as three swimming pools, workout room, free washers and dryers, and shows every night.

4. They have free toothpaste and razors, and free soap and shampoo.

5 They will even treat you like a customer, not a patient. An extra $5 worth of tips will have the entire staff scrambling to help you.

6. I will get to meet new people every 7 or 14 days.

7. T.V. broken? Light bulb needs changing? Need to have the mattress replaced? No Problem! They will fix everything and apologize for your inconvenience.

8. Clean sheets and towels every day and you don't even have to ask for them.

9. If you fall in the nursing home and break a hip you are on Medicare; if you fall and break a hip on the Princess ship they will upgrade you to a suite for the rest of your life.

Now hold on for the best! Do you want to see South America, the Panama Canal, Tahiti, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, or name where you want to go? Princess will have a ship ready to go so don't look for me in a nursing home, just call shore to ship.

P.S. If you die they just toss your body over the side of the boat.

What A Glorious Day!

A max temp is expected here of about 25 today. Not a cloud in the sky!

A perfect day to wash the bottles getting ready to bottle the two lots of home brew I have brewing at the moment. Two brews means twice as much bottle washing is required but I have got that down to a fine art nowadays. A little over an hour and 60+ bottles have been washed, rinsed, sterilized and then rinsed again. Currently they are drying out in the backyard!

It is amazing how a bright sunny day can put a spring in your step and make you want to get out and do things.

As we both still have a few signs of our colds we waited till the sun was well and truly up before heading out on a shortish bike ride. Trish hasn't ridden for almost 6 weeks so we are easing back into it gently. Her knees were a bit wobbly when we got home yesterday! Today she was certainly better.

Movie downloading continues. Last night I downloaded the Academy Award winner "The Departed" and tonight I am aiming for "Notes On A Scandal". Trish has put in a request for Robin Williams in "Man Of The Year" so I guess that will be overnight tomorrow!

Our new neighbours will only be there for about 6 weeks. They are originally from Switzerland and are returning home to work for his father. This has been a long time family commitment for them.

When they return to Switzerland, the house will be available for the wife's father to move in and live there permanently. Meanwhile the house on the 'beach' side of us which has been empty on and off for 6 months is being prepared for sale as well. It is always great to know there are neighbours about. It makes everone feel a little easier.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Quietly, Quietly.

Not a lot happening.

A couple of shortish bike rides is about all. I continue to busily download movies from the internet. The quality is quite reasonable (at least as good as what we get on satellite pay TV). We recently enjoyed watching "Mr Brooks" with Kevin Costner. A couple of nifty surprises at the end of the movie ensured we enjoyed it very much.

Movies are usually downloaded as an .avi file. These have been converted from the DVD format to make them easier to download because of the file size of a full DVD. A converted .avi file is about 20% of the size of the original DVD. I then use a program called ConvertXtoDVD which takes about an hour to create the DVD files and then burn them onto a DVD disk.

Most of the downloading of the movie occurs overnight when my Broadband Plan gives me a special 'off peak' download allowance. I have found another little program called Internet Download Manager which allows me to 'program' the movie download to happen after midnight.

Let me know if you want either of these programs and I will get them to you at no cost.

Today we purchased a quick to fit bike rack so we can take our bikes a little further away and enjoy some rides along the coast. The rack model we bought sells quickly so we had to get in early in the month to ensure we got one.

My new home brews are bubbling nicely and I expect to be bottling early next week. I guess bottle washing is on the agenda in the next day or so.

A cloudy day today but with temps about 24. They are expecting up to 27 on Saturday.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Slowly Getting Back To Normal

We have now spent a couple of days getting back to normal following the departure of our visitors. We tend to eat out a lot when we have visitors so to again return to chops on the BBQ and plenty of vegetables for our evening meal is almost as good as 'going out'.

The floor at home required a bit of attention so that was done. We found time for a 1 hour walk down to the lake which was great in the sunshine. Some other 'odd jobs' needed doing too, pool cleaning, clean up the BBQ, update how we set the BBQ up etc. all were done.

This morning (Tuesday) was the time to replenish my beer supplies so I put two brews on. They may be ready to bottle in a week or so. I have been making a 'black' ale from time to time lately so one of the two brews was a black this morning. This will make about 60 large bottles of beer. However brewing times will be longer than usual because of the cool weather at this time of the year.

I am beginning to catch up with emails again too which is good. I have also been busy accessing movies via broadband. I have discovered a download program which allows me set the time for a download to commence. I have two download allocation types in my broadband package, peak and off peak. I am able to use the download program to set a movie download to happen overnight in off peak and not impact on my regular broadband access time. I am beginning to build up quite a collection of recent release movies to watch later in the year.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Visitors Have Returned To Melbourne

Barry and Rainy flew back to Melbourne and their home in Drouin yesterday.

While the ladies ventured to Montville on Friday, Barry and I took in some of the local beach side spots. Montville is a hinterland town and a very popular spot for tourists. It is a 1 kilometre strip of shops selling everything possibly of any interest to tourists. There are chocolate shops, a Christmas Shop, Puzzle Shop, Lolly shops, clothes, tourist items and just about everything else you can think of for sale to the tourist. It is not a spot I really enjoy going to any more. As you can imagine, the ladies enjoyed it very much.

They even have 'Husband Chairs" outside many shops so bored husbands can sit and rest as their shopping crazed wives can peruse all the items for sale at their leisure!

Barry and I visited a couple of the beaches for a quick look before arriving at the Dicky Beach Surf Club for a refreshing ale and a quick meal for our lunch. One quiet ale developed into four 'schooners' and as I was driving, this meant it was time to head home. Strict alcohol related driving offences here in Australia meant I needed to take the back way home ASAP.

Despite being full of food and alcohol from the week's visit, we headed out to a Thai Restaurant for dinner. It was then home to watch the footy live on TV.

We then drove them to the Maroochydore Airport before lunchtime yesterday (Saturday) for them to catch their flight home.

Today Sunday will be another R & R day to catch up with rest from a wonderful but hectic week!

Friday, August 03, 2007

Rest and Recover Day

The busy role of hosting is starting to catch up with us. There is so much to see and so little time to do it all.

Thursday was a recovery day. While the ladies hit the shops and the Display Home scene, Barry and I carried out some fine tuning on my home theatre speaker levels. We checked a few connections out and reset some of the speaker settings.

After lunch we drove up to the Buderim Tavern. As the weather was about 25 degrees, the Tavern has one of its full wall windows open and the view from the lounge area was great. We enjoyed a quiet drink and the view overlooking the Sunshine Coast. A very pleasant spot. By this stage the 'quiet drink' is beginning to tell just a little! Yes, Rainy does have two drinks in front of her. Rainy has taken a liking to the black ale I brew so when there is a shout, we have to buy a black ale for her!

For our evening meal we enjoyed the $12 for two "Surf and Turf" meal at one of the local pubs. It is great value and and a terrific meal.

Then it was home for a quiet evening and a good night's sleep.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

A Day In Brisbane

One of the good things about having visitors is that it forces you to do some things you had been putting off as "too much of a hassle". A day in Brisbane was just one of those things.

It is about 70 kilometres to Brisbane's outer suburbs from home. We then left the car and caught a train to Southbank. This is the former site of the Expo 88 which virtually put Brisbane on the world map. Southbank has been transformed into a people's park with facilities for eating, drinking, swimming and enjoying some beautiful gardens and it is situated right in the middle of the city on the Brisbane River.

Brisbane uses its river very well indeed. It serves as a beautiful backdrop to the city and provides transport opportunities to get people around and provide for tourist trips as well.

Transport can either be by ferry or by river cat. We caught the River Cat from Southbank and travelled downstream for about 20 minutes. The city is really growing into a modern metropolis with tall buildings and breathtaking view.

The old "Story Bridge" seen in this photo above is a part of Brisbane's history.

We caught a bus into China Town and enjoyed a Vietnamese meal which consisted of many of our favorites we enjoy when eating in Melbourne.

A quick trip to the converted Treasury Buildings which is now a Casino and we were soon on the train again heading to get the car and head back home.

After a light tea we were out again, this time to the Caloundra RSL for a night out and a band which doing all the hits from "Queen". A great day and night was had by all.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Glasshouse Mountains and General Business

It has been quite busy for us with our visitors Barry and Rainy.

Tuesday saw us drive around the Glasshouse Mts. which are in the Sunshine Coast hinterland. They are they remnants of about 5 or 6 volcanoes from millions of years ago. All that remains is the molten core with the rest of the mountain being worn away over the years. The mountains were named by James Cook as he sailed by in the Endeavour on his voyage of discovery. The mountains provide some impressive views. The Bowls Club was our venue for an evening meal.

Tuesday was a general business day. The girls hit the shops while Barry and I did some investigative work and visited the "Mens'" shops. We grabbed a couple of DVD's which required copying and took care of a few minor chores. The evening meal was at "The Spirit of Tibet" and usual was sensational!

I guess we are showing our age to a certain extent with getting in to bed by 10 pm most nights.

Our new neighbours have moved in next door.