Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Two Brews On The Go Means Double Bottle Washing

It was an early start today with a heap of bottles to be washed to cater for the two brews I have almost ready to bottle at the moment. After an early start the job was completed a couple of hours later.

Not only do the bottles require to be washed but they all then need to be sanitized. Usually I don't use a brush to give the bottles an extra good clean but for the next few months I intend to give all bottles an extra good clean which means using the bottle brush.

The bottles most home brewers use are plastic PET bottles with 'rocket' bottoms on them. After each bottle is consumed it gets a good rinse out immediately to ensure it is reasonably clean. Prior to bottling they are again cleaned, this time with a low foaming cleanser, usually dishwasher powder. The bottles are then given a good rinsing before being sanitized.

To sanitize your bottles the Home Brew Shop supplies Sodium Metabisulphite which is mixed in water and each bottle is rinsed in it. Later the bottles are rinsed again in clean water.

There is another form of sanitizer which is mixed in a spray bottle and 'sprayed' into each bottle. This second method is a little quicker and easier.

It looks like I will be bottling over the next two days!

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