Saturday, March 24, 2007


Showers were forecast for Thursday. A very slight sprinkle of rain that morning, not enough to deter anyone from doing anything outdoors meant the forecast had been accurate.

Again "Showers" were forecast for overnight Friday. I think we had two 'showers' which totalled a huge 20 ml! The pool is filled to overflowing, the garden is alive again and the lawn has changed from yellow to emerging green. The grass will start to grow like crazy, it will need mowing soon and the weather forecasters will be pleased as they got the forecast of "Showers" correct two days in a row! This pot is really glowing now.

We became a little weary of the birdbath needing to be cleaned because of the stagnant water every week or so and it has been converted into another container for plants. It comes up pretty well!

And while we were on the Gold Coast recently, we were given some plants. "Just put them in pots with plenty of potting mix, some plant food and keep the water up to them!" was the suggestion we received. We did just that and the overnight rain may be just what it needs.

About 28 degrees today. The pool gets to about 26+ during the day while overnight the air temp is still in the low 20's. The pool temperature drops to about 24 most mornings.

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