Friday, March 30, 2007

Quiet Times Because of Heavy Cold

The last couple of days have been fairly quiet with Trish taking it easy trying to get over her heavy cold. On her first day home from Melbourne Trish spent much of the day in bed. Everything has been curtailed except for any absolutely "must do" activity.

I continue to get up early some mornings to enjoy the cricket from the West Indies on Pay TV. There is some great cricket on and you get to see a sunrise like this one this morning. The sun is just about to rise over Caloundra.

The internet is just great. Right now I can catch up on all the latest AFL and sports news from Melbourne via online radio. This is a great site but only works in Internet Explorer:

Also I can up with how Dandenong is going in the Victorian Cricket Association Grand Final at

A hot day for us here today with the temperature expected to get over 30 degrees. However there is a cool change due overnight and showers expected tomorrow. The pool is cooling off and was only 22 this morning when I had a quick dip upon returning from my early morning bike ride. Hopefully it will warm up a bit during the day.

A "Footy on TV" weekend coming up. We get 7 of the 8 AFL footy matches live on TV this weekend.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Trish Home From Melbourne

The day after Trish arrived back on the Sunshine Coast (with a heavy cold I may add - infected from too many kisses from the grandchildren!) she has booked to fly down to Melbourne again. There are very good specials at the moment being $89 one way with Jetstar and $95 with Virgin. She flies down again on Monday June 18th arriving mid afternoon. Kate is due to give birth about a week later.

Trish arrived home yesterday afternoon feeling rushed off her feet. The week just wasn't quite long enough for her. She was very busy catching if with too many people in too short a time. Needless to say she loved it.

Quite a few of you have visited us here on the Sunshine Coast and you have also enjoyed the Caloundra RSL Club and its great entertainment and poker machines. They also have a "Chocolate Machine" in which you guide a claw into a pile of chocolates, grab a chocolate and add it to the tray. As you stack the tray, the chocolates are pushed into a bin where you can collect them. "Addicted" is possibly a little too strong a term to describe Trish's love of this machine (but it is fairly close!).

Our daughter Kim saw 'toy' this in a shop and thought it a great present for her Mum! The 'money' is in the plastic bag on top of the machine and you use the levers to guide the claw to collect your chockies.

Click on the photo for a bigger view.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

New Access Road

Work on the new access road designed to shift heavy truck and bus traffic away from the centre of the estate was due to be completed in November of 2006. For all intents and purposes the new road has been completed for a couple of weeks now but is still not open for traffic.

Extensive landscaping has been completed except for the watering irrigation systems. These are all but installed now.

This photo shows the view towards the end of our court. The area of fence with missing palings is to be removed to allow foot access to the new road and the footpath.

When you look at the fence from the other side it seems that not all the fence will now be removed. A 'garden bed' has been placed covering all but a metre or so which it appears will be the walk way through from the Court to the footpath.

We have a bit of problem with trail bikes and I think this narrower access may be designed to ensure the entry is used by people on foot.

Saturday, March 24, 2007


Showers were forecast for Thursday. A very slight sprinkle of rain that morning, not enough to deter anyone from doing anything outdoors meant the forecast had been accurate.

Again "Showers" were forecast for overnight Friday. I think we had two 'showers' which totalled a huge 20 ml! The pool is filled to overflowing, the garden is alive again and the lawn has changed from yellow to emerging green. The grass will start to grow like crazy, it will need mowing soon and the weather forecasters will be pleased as they got the forecast of "Showers" correct two days in a row! This pot is really glowing now.

We became a little weary of the birdbath needing to be cleaned because of the stagnant water every week or so and it has been converted into another container for plants. It comes up pretty well!

And while we were on the Gold Coast recently, we were given some plants. "Just put them in pots with plenty of potting mix, some plant food and keep the water up to them!" was the suggestion we received. We did just that and the overnight rain may be just what it needs.

About 28 degrees today. The pool gets to about 26+ during the day while overnight the air temp is still in the low 20's. The pool temperature drops to about 24 most mornings.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Some Updates

The King Of Warez crack download page is back online. The link to the right will take you there in the "Where To Get Fixes And Cracks For Downloaded Programs" section. This is a very good download site but you do need to register to get downloads from there.

The Softex Meganet site does not require you to register to get downloads and is therefore easier for everyone to download from but it does not have the range of programs as either Appznet or King Of Warez.

There is a new version of Rip It For Me available. The download link to the right "For Hard To Copy DVD's" has been updated.

I continue to live the life of a bachelor with Trish still in Melbourne having a "Nanny Visit". There is heaps of sport on Pay TV at the moment with the final of the domestic cricket being played in Tasmania. Of course there is lots of cricket with the Cricket World Cup from the West Indies on TV most nights.

Over the last two days I have bottled over 5 dozen bottles of Home Brew!

A shower or two of rain overnight and quite cloudy today. A max of about 28 for the Sunshine Coast today.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Two Brews On The Go Means Double Bottle Washing

It was an early start today with a heap of bottles to be washed to cater for the two brews I have almost ready to bottle at the moment. After an early start the job was completed a couple of hours later.

Not only do the bottles require to be washed but they all then need to be sanitized. Usually I don't use a brush to give the bottles an extra good clean but for the next few months I intend to give all bottles an extra good clean which means using the bottle brush.

The bottles most home brewers use are plastic PET bottles with 'rocket' bottoms on them. After each bottle is consumed it gets a good rinse out immediately to ensure it is reasonably clean. Prior to bottling they are again cleaned, this time with a low foaming cleanser, usually dishwasher powder. The bottles are then given a good rinsing before being sanitized.

To sanitize your bottles the Home Brew Shop supplies Sodium Metabisulphite which is mixed in water and each bottle is rinsed in it. Later the bottles are rinsed again in clean water.

There is another form of sanitizer which is mixed in a spray bottle and 'sprayed' into each bottle. This second method is a little quicker and easier.

It looks like I will be bottling over the next two days!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Deleted Photo

Recently I deleted a post from this blog site!

The post talked about us being away from home for a week and in the name of security I later deleted it. Not a good thing to be advertising on the internet that you were leaving your home unattended to travel interstate!

That post also talked about the best birthday card Trish received for her recent big day. Needless to say the card was from Andrew, the eldest grandchild! Here is the photo again now. It is a great card isn't it!

Andrew drew the card on behalf of himself, his mum and dad and sister Emily!

While The Cat Is Away

I dropped Trish off at Maroochydore Airport this morning (Tues) and then returned home (via the Home Made Pie Shop).

As I type this Trish should have arrived in Melbourne and she will be on her way to Chris and Wendy's home to catch up with members of the family.

So what do I do stuck up here in almost 30 degree heat with the pool at about 26 degrees?

Currently the Pura Cup domestic cricket final from Tasmania is on Pay TV so that it one way I am able to use up the hours. Later this week we have live soccer with Australia playing China. A month or so ago a friend sent my about 12 movies (ex Bali) and Trish reckons some of them are a bit violent. I will be able to watch them while she is down south! So there is plenty for me to get up to.

I have about 5 dozen bottles of home brew to bottle before the end of the week!

Secondly I have my computer to keep me going as well. I am trying to solve a minor computer problem at the moment and hopefully I now have it under control. That "Google Search" is great for checking out how others got on with solving computer problems!

Trish flies home again next Tuesday!

Monday, March 19, 2007

A Quick Update

Much of the week back on the Sunshine Coast has been spent catching up with tasks around the house and with Trish getting ready to head south to catch up with family. Bike riding was put on hold when Trish's bike had a huge puncture requiring a new tube. The bike looks uncomfortable here as it awaits the new tube.

Trish flies to Melbourne tomorrow (Tuesday) arriving in Melbourne mid afternoon. The plan is to catch up with the north side of Melbourne family before heading over to stay with Kate. Most of our friends live on the south eastern side of the city so it is easier to set up over there. She will be down south for a week.

I will drop Trish off at Maroochydore Airport and spend a quiet week at home. There is plenty of sport on the Pay TV at the moment with live coverage of the Pura Cup grand final and plenty of World Cup Cricket too.

Friday, March 16, 2007

From Newcastle To The Gold Coast

We departed from Newcastle on Sunday morning and headed north for about 700k's to Burleigh Waters on the Gold Coast. The drive was OK and we arrived at our destination about 5 pm where we planned to stay for 2 nights. It had been a hot day in southern Queensland with Brisbane temps around 37 degrees. We stayed with Det and Brenda, a couple we had met on our trip to Vietnam and China. They have become avid home brewers so we set about sampling their new brews.

The next day saw us have a look around Burleigh Heads beach. It is a very pretty place as this photo shows. Many walkers and joggers use the footpath along the beachfront. The surfers were just off the headland catching the waves. It was a great day to be in the water with temperatures into the low 30's.

A short drive later we arrived at the Burleigh Heads Surf Club and wandered inside. The ladies had a quick flutter on the pokies while Det and I headed to the bar for a quenching ale. As you can see from this photo, the view from the bar was great.

Actually the whole coastline along the Gold Coast is sensational with kilometre after kilometre of sandy surf beaches. The surf here is better than what we get on the Sunshine Coast. The shopping is better too with many large stores seeming to be right on your doorstep. However the Gold Coast is much bigger and busier than the Sunshine Coast and has more of a city feel to it. And it has a lot more traffic lights!

Later in the day we returned to Det and Brenda's home for a chat and a sit around. We continued to sample the various brews too. If it became a little too warm we could use their pool to cool off.

The next morning we returned to our home on the Sunshine Coast and an alcohol free day!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

From Nelson Bay To Newcastle

Newcastle is a forgotten gem on the NSW northern coast. For many who have never visited it, Newcastle is seen as a coal mining port, of dirty factories and polluted skies. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Click on these photos to get a larger view!

It has sensational surf beaches and the magnificent Lake Macquarie. These places are havens for water lovers with great waves to play around in at the beach and a beautiful lake which sees yacht club races across the weekend. Lakeside there are numerous pleasant sitting, picnicking and walking spots.

We left Nelson Bay on Saturday morning and took in some of the sights of Newcastle on our way to visit Michael and Janet in Newcastle and stay the night. Michael enjoys his red wine so the evening was pleasant with lovely red wine and a BBQ meal.

We tried not to over indulge as we had a 700k drive the next day to Burleigh Waters on the Gold Coast.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Home Safe and Sound

We arrived back on the Sunshine Coast yesterday afternoon following 6 nights away when we travelled about 900k's down to Nelson Bay near Newcastle in NSW. The main purpose of the trip was to see Trish's brother Bevan who is experiencing some difficulty with his Parkinson's Disease. Bevan lives with his son Peter, Pete's wife Michelle and at times 4 children. As you can see the house gets a little busy sometimes.

It was good to catch up with them all again and to provide some support to Peter as well. Trish was pleased to see her brother Bevan again. Bill (another of Trish's brothers) was there as well to add his perspective and advice on the situation.

We took Bevan shopping and bought some new appropriate clothing and footwear. His Parkinson's no longer allows him to easily do up shoe laces etc.

We now are waiting for a further health assessment on Bevan's condition which is due in a week or so. This will determine what the next step for him will be.

We spent three nights in Nelson Bay. It is a very pretty spot about 50k's north of Newcastle. Nelson Bay is about 200k's north of Sydney and a popular weekend or holiday water spot for Sydneysiders. The photo of the marina provides a quick insight into the beauty of Nelson Bay. Some great sight seeing tours of the harbour leave this marina.

There is a magnificent surf beach stretching for over 20k's between Nelson Bay and Newcastle called Stockton Beach. It is kilometres of beautiful sandy dunes and beach. We took a drive to Birubi Beach which is at the Nelson Bay end of the long stretch of sand.

I just had to add this photo of Peter's newest daughter Kay-Lee. She is a little charmer isn't she?

Saturday, March 10, 2007

From Nelson Bay

After a long drive from the Sunshine Coast we arrived at Nelson Bay to catch up with Trish's brother Bevan and his son Peter and family. We had several nights of fun and assisting Peter in getting things rolling for Bevan's future needs. Trish's brother Bill had flown up from Melbourne so it was a real family affair.

It was great to catch up with Peter's family, wife Michelle and children Zach, Sophie, Draven and Kay-lee. We had lots of laughs and a great time together.

Today we move on to catch up with friends in Newcastle, Michael and Jan,

We expect to get back home on Tuesday.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Cyclone Downgraded to Tropical Low

The cyclone off the coast has now been downgraded to a tropical low and is not expected to impact on the Sunshine Coast.

We will therefore be travelling to Nelson Bay (near Newcastle) to visit Trish's brother Bevan leaving here on Wednesday March 6th. We expect to return to the Sunshine Coast on Tuesday March 13th.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Cyclone News

It is Trish's birthday tomorrow!

As some of you know, we are planning a trip to Nelson Bay to visit Trish's eldest brother for a few days. We were meant to be heading south (about 900k's) on Wednesday but the current weather situation means we will wait here until any heavy rain threat from the cyclone passes. The selection below is taken from today's Courier Mail newspaper. Some people are now saying it won't effect the Sunshine coast at all. We will just have to wait and see!

TROPICAL Cyclone Odette looms as the best chance in years of ending southeast Queensland's long-running drought, which is now so severe there are fears Brisbane could run out of water by 2009.

Weather forecasters say the 700km-wide cyclone in the Coral Sea, about 800km off the Central Queensland coast, has the potential to produce a deluge across southeast catchment areas this week.

Weatherwatch meteorologist Anthony Cornelius said the cyclone was carrying enough rain to fill Wivenhoe, Somerset and North Pine dams.

Mr Cornelius said a rare combination of conditions could position the cyclone over southeast Queensland for up to five days.

SEQWater officials said dam levels were expected to rise dramatically if this were to happen.

"Cyclone Odette has the potential to dump a lot of water and solve Queensland's water crisis," Mr Cornelius said.

"Up to 400mm could fall on catchment areas, which would end the drought."

Odette late yesterday slowed its westerly trek, resulting in an earlier cyclone watch along the coast being put on hold. But a close watch is being kept on the storm mass and it could strengthen to category two today.

Weatherzone, another commercial forecaster, said a lot of uncertainty remained over the future movement of the cyclone.

"Our computer models are suggesting a number of scenarios," Weatherzone meteorologist Matt Pearce said. "The most likely result, however, is an increase in winds, showers and swells along much of the Queensland coast by the middle of (this) week."

Big seas were already keeping lifesavers busy yesterday. Dozens of people from Coolangatta to Southport were rescued, while large swells challenged competitors at the Queensland Surf Life Saving Championships at Kawana on the Sunshine Coast.

Mr Cornelius said Odette could be the first major storm cluster to hit southeast Queensland in 33 years. Brisbane flooded when Cyclone Wanda dumped between 500mm and 900mm of rain in January 1974.

"The conditions are rare and haven't occurred in recent history."

SEQWater land and water quality manager Peter Schneider said heavy falls were expected.

"I was told there was a strong likelihood we would get strong rainfall," he said.

Mr Schneider said between 300mm and 650mm of rain would be needed to fill Brisbane's two largest dams and top up the third.

Meanwhile, tongues were wagging in Esk after lightning was seen in the skies north of the township near Wivenhoe Dam early yesterday for the first time in a decade.

Esk Shire Mayor Graeme Lehmann said it was usually a sign of big rain to come.

"When there are storms hanging around in that northern area, usually we see good rain two or three days later," he said.

"I am just hoping it is a good sign."

Saturday, March 03, 2007

In Today's Local Newspaper

Any travel plans we had for next week may have been put on hold. This was in today's local newspaper:

THE Sunshine Coast is on cyclone watch this weekend as a severe tropical low-pressure system off the Queensland coast threatens to bring wind, rain and huge swells to our doorsteps.

Meteorologists are yet to officially recognise Cyclone Odette, but the low-pressure system sitting 450km north-east of Mackay has already led some weather commentators to predict it could become the most dangerous cyclone to hit the region in 40 years.

Should the system form into a cyclone, most believe it will begin making its way south and arrive near the Sunshine Coast early next week.

Perennially cautious observers at the Bureau of Meteorology like Peter Otto yesterday said the system could potentially turn into the biggest cyclone to visit southern Queensland in more than a decade.

Meanwhile, other forecasters like Swellnet’s Ben Matson have been quicker to make devastating historical comparisons after witnessing a quiet start to the cyclone season, from February and April.

He believes the system could become the most significant weather event since Cyclone Dinah in 1967, which lashed the Sunshine Coast, inundating Bli Bli cane farms and leaving holiday makers on Noosa’s Hastings Street to wade through knee-deep water.

While most observers, including Mr Matson, are careful to avoid being alarmist, their concerns may prove to be genuine if the EC forecasting model is to be believed.

That model predicts the low pressure system will be trapped by a high pressure system near the Fraser Coast, a worst case scenario for Sunshine Coast residents that would deliver disastrous heavy wind and rains and a huge swell.

The Daily’s surf forecaster Mike Perry is another who chooses to play down worst-case scenarios, but he reminded people that cyclone or not, big tides with the full moon and a pre-existing easterly swell would combine to create dangerous conditions on Coast beaches in the coming days.

“Most likely it will become a cyclone ... and come down the coast a little ways to the south-west and bear out to sea to the south-east before eventually heading towards New Zealand as an extra tropical system,” he said.

“If that happens, there will be for the Sunshine Coast to the Gold Coast firstly strong north-easterly winds and then very strong south-easterly winds and a rapid rise in north-easterly swell exceeding two metres and possibly quite a bit more.”

Mr Perry’s job is to bring smiles to the faces of swell-hunting surfers worldwide, but he warned the strong swell generated by the system would create hazardous water conditions best avoided by even the most fearless board riders.

It won’t just be surfers watching the system’s progress with interest, as the Coast’s 200 active State Emergency Service volunteers brace themselves for the approaching wild weather.

Caloundra City’s SES deputy controller Janet Scott said it was important for homeowners to clear gutters to prevent water leaks and to remove loose objects in yards that could become lethal missiles if they were picked up by wild winds.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Tea At The Beach

After over three months, a new bedroom suite we had ordered was delivered. It arrived in 7 cardboard cartons just after lunch and without any instructions on how to assemble it. After a bout of inappropriate language, a massive loss of perspiration and a phone call to the furniture company help line, we got it all together. Thank heavens for electric drills!

A quick swim to recuperate as well as a couple of bottles of home brew to replace lost fluid saw neither of us in any mood to prepare tea. We took a couple of cool drinks, visited the excellent fish and chip shop near by and headed to King's Beach and a picnic table to enjoy our meal. It was delightful sitting there enjoying our meal and being beachside after dark.

The "Bird of Paradise" flower is certainly taking its time to come fully out. It still has a few more petals to appear but this is where it is up to now.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

For Hard To Copy DVD's

I have just uploaded a new version of RipIt4Me. It is 1.7. You no longer need to use another little program which was called FixVTS. So now to copy a hard to copy DVD eg Narnia, you only need RipIt4Me 1.7, DVD Decrypter and Shrink 3.2.

It is only a 170kb download and you will find it in the links on the right!

I am looking to update my computer. I had a great day yesterday doing the rounds of local computer shops trying to finalize what I want.

I have always been keen on Dell but I see if I go for the new Windows Vista you really need 2GB of RAM and the Dell only comes with 1GB. I think I can get a better unit by buying locally. I like to do a little playing around with video and I am told to be safe you need a good quality graphics card as well. By the time you add these features to a Dell the price goes through the roof. I also like the idea that if I have a problem I can put the computer in the car and have it to the place I bought it from in under 30 minutes. But my current Dell has been great.

I still want to wait until April or May and see how Windows Vista goes before I make the plunge.

We are keeping our eye on a cyclone which is forming in the Coral Sea. One prediction is it will then head south bringing heavy rain to SE Queensland. However there are several predictions as to what is going to happen. Preliminary warnings are being made regarding preparation for heavy rain and strengthening winds. There are two big surf carnivals on this weekend here on the Sunshine Coast so the big seas should make them spectacular events!