Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Windy With Grey Skies

Monday the weather here was terrible. It blew a gale all day off the sea from the South East. I guess there are some advantages to not living right on the coast. The pool was full of dirt and even under the back pergola there were piles of dirt between the pavers.

Today the wind has died and we are having some sunshine. However there are still dark clouds rolling in from the sea from time to time. Hope to get to 23 today. Only 22 yesterday.

I spent a couple of hours over the road at a neighbour's yesterday afternoon sorting out a problem they had with copying DVD's. I was able to give them a further 12 months subscription on their Anti-Virus at no cost. They also wanted to copy disks such as "Narnia" (heavily copy protected) which were able to do with the RipIt4Me group of programs (RipIt4Me - DVD Decrypter - Fix VTS - Shrink). See the link to the right for the RipIt4Me download program. This program downloads all 4 programs and I think it even installs them for you.

Blogger Beta still playing up a bit.

I have added a link (on the right) to a reasonable DVD Copy program called Shrink To 5 Pro. All installation instructions are included in the .zip file. They say it can get through many of the new copy protection on DVD's. It has a few good features and options. Being the 'Pro' edition is another benefit. Use the patch in the package to give you the full registered version.

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