Sunday, October 22, 2006

Quiet Saturday

We enjoyed a beautiful day on Saturday with warm temps. Even the pool got to 25+. However I had noticed it was windy and wet down south. Last night the windy and wet weather arrived up here with 13 mls of rain and a howling south easterly wind blowing more showers in from off the coast. Temps are expected to be about 22 today after a glorious 26 or so yesterday.

We did some reorganising in the garden. We removed some less attractive shrubby things and replaced them with transportable pots of colored flowers. It will come up great we think.

It did not take long till I headed poolside for a quiet ale.

After a while the attraction of the pool and a water temp of over 25 got the better of me!

Trish is into Brisbane today to go to the Craft and Quilting Show.

This Blogger program is still causing me some concerns but we are getting closer. The problem is uploading photos and I think it is caused by the computer's firewall. I used to have Zone Alarm as my firewall but I noticed it was pretty strict on what the computer was allowed to upload and what it wasn't allowed. I then tried another firewall called BlackICE but this morning it too seems to block my access to uploading photographs. It did not seem to have a lot of options to allow reasonable access to certain sites.

I am currently trying a third firewall program called Kerio. With it I can get in and say I want great access with files etc to Blogger. I could not upload this morning, now after installing Kerio I can upload.

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