Saturday, October 14, 2006

The Big Road Test

Trish was a little apprehensive this morning as we readied ourselves for our 7:30 a.m. bikeride and she saw me get the camera! I am not allowed to take photos of Trish without telling her, from behind or with her bike helmet on with her ridiculous looking (but effective at keeping magpies etc at bay) bike helmet with a big cable tie sticking out the top! So when I took this picture she was a fair way away! But here she is on her new bike riding through the Bellvista Estate parklands.

Later we travelled beside the Bellvista Lake which is the centrepiece of this estate. Ducks and other water birds abound in the lake.

After an hour we arrived back home for fresh fruit under the umbrella beside the pool!

Expected to get to about 25 today. Pool temp this morning a whisker over 21 degrees.

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