Sunday, September 02, 2018

Sunny Sunday

With an expected top temperature of around 26° we are in for a delightful day.  Usually temperatures like that in early September mean a bit of wind around.  That is why I got today's 18k bike ride out of the way early! I was also hoping to catch a couple of magpies enjoying a Sunday sleep in but no such luck.  I suffered no harm as the long wavering cable ties attached to my helmet made any swooping magpie think twice about getting too close.  It is nesting season and father magpies are out and about ensuring their young are safe and sound.

The new PC is just about sorted.  I have had enormous hassles getting a recent copy of Office to install.  2010 goes on fine but it took around 8 goes before I got a 2016 version to install.  Even then it installed without me really knowing.

The green installation progress line that goes across the screen stopped at around half way.  The activity indicator light on the hard drive just seemed to flicker as if the who process had stalled.  Usually I would get impatient after waiting for 5 minutes and then roll back any changes.  I had downloaded an official Office Removal Tool and it got used around 8 times or so.

We were heading down to Brisbane later that afternoon so I just left the PC with the installation progress line at around half way to see what would happen.  We returned home around 8pm to see the green line monitoring the installation still only half way across the screen.  I was able to do a couple of things but the PC then locked up requiring a power off via the power switch on the wall which I did.

The PC restarted fine but then a Russian website automatically popped up in my web browser I immediately shut the browser down.  I checked the PC's program menu and lo and behold, Office 2016 had been fully installed. And I can now guess where my Office 2016 Installation file had come from!  I am pleased to say all seems to be working perfectly.

I received a text message from our soon to be married in Manila nephew Peter and his lovely Filipino partner Vecy.  They were heading to a Brisbane outdoor eatery called Eat St.  It was something we had often wanted to do so we went along as well.  It was setup in colorful and excellently done up shipping containers.  It was huge affair, much bigger than we had guessed and even getting a table to sit at a bit of a raffle.  There we several large halls, a couple of live bands on two outdoor stages and a wide range of food to try.

Needless to say we had heaps of Filipino street food which Vecy chose.  We are learning that if you eat with anyone Filipino, you don't walk away wanting more to eat!  But as the photo shows it was a huge concern with lots of people there. It was a short sleeve sort of night with quite a busy crowd.  It must get packed when it is a 28° night!

We arrived home around 8pm.  It is a long drive of well over an hour to get there so it is the sort of thing you would do after spending time in Brisbane and a spot to eat before heading back up the highway. Not the kind of "where will we eat tonight?' sort of thing.

It was then after I arrived home I was delighted to see Office 2016 had eventually installed!

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