Friday, August 31, 2018

A Friday Update

It's a bit blowy outside here today but it is expected to get to around 25 degrees or so.  I did my bike ride a little earlier today realizing that it would get windy.  And we are in the midst of magpie swooping season with lots of eggs about and a couple of very protective birds who take a special dislike to old blokes on bikes. The lengthy cable ties generally do their work and take the pressure off knowing there is a deterrent to them.

I am doing this on the new Dell Tower PC which is now pretty well setup to my liking.  But it didn't like any of the recent versions of Office I tried to install until I tried a 2010 version which will be OK in the short term.  I tried a couple of 2013 versions but they just wouldn't install with the install program crashing out and not finishing.

But today I downloaded a x84 version of Office 2013 and when time permits I will try and install it.

Overall the new PC is a lot snappier than the previous.  I guess the latest i5 processor and the 8GB Ram make the difference. When I set up the recent laptop I had given to me I noted its startup time was roughly similar to the former PC.  The new PC loads and is ready to go at least 40 seconds quicker than the laptop started at the same time.

The new Dell PC only has 2 xusb3 ports and both are at the front of the PC.  I bought a better quality USB3 4 port 'hub' which works fine and I can connect the external hard disk drives I need as the photo shows.

It is around 2/3 the size of the other PC which surprised me.

Trish is slowly getting over her cold.  Coughing fits are now reduced in both the number of episodes per day and the length of time for which the episode lasted. 

We received a note from TPG recently saying we could expect the NBN to be connected on around October 19th which is good. The new modem has been delivered and is in service.  The biggest hassles were that I had to reinstall the printer software onto ALL computers and I had to manually add the printer to the wifi network.  But it is all working fine now.

So that's about it.  I have a new toy and rarely come up for air always finding something I have to do to get it running just as I like.

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