Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Been Busy?

We've been busy doing not too much at all.  Just this weekend we were invited to catch up with Trish's nephew Peter and family down in Nundah, a suburb not far out of Brisbane.  Peter is getting married in the Philippines in December and we are heading over for the event.

Peter works for Virgin Airlines and is a Flight Planner for the airline, planning routes for aircraft as they ferry passengers around Australia and overseas.  In his younger days he was with the RAAF doing stuff with aircraft movements so his current occupation is a step along from his airforce days.

Peter's wife to be, Vecy prepared us a typical Filipino meal of prwans and a dish called "Chicken Adobo" (photo above left).  I managed a couple of serves for lunch and followed up with another for tea.  As you can tell I didn't mind it all!

There were other Filipino sweets and nibbles as well.  We had a great time and it was good to catch up with them again.  For breakfast on Sunday morning we visited the nearby Nundah Food Market.  To my great delight I found a small stall selling Char Kuay Teow, my favorite Malaysian dish.

It was OK but nothing like what we get in Melbourne.  Speaking of Melbourne, that is where Trish is heading on Thursday for the best part of a fortnight.

Anyway, back to Nundah.  Because of its closeness to Brisbane there are new units going up everywhere.  It is a mere 5 train stations into the heart Brisbane making it a desirable spot.  It gives the impression of previously being a little on the run down side but that is changing with every house demolished and block of units taking its place.

The photo shows one of the new cafe type places which are everywhere in this rapidly changing suburb. A short walk around the shops showed further evidence of how this little suburb is being transformed.

We discussed further plans of what would be happening in Manila so it is all getting exciting. Peter will meet us off the plane and help us with sim cards and getting to our Manila hotel.

Footy has had its ups and downs for me and Trish with this weekend being the final showdown for both our sides.  And as luck would have it, my team plays Trish's team.  With Trish being in Melbourne I jumped online and grabbed a couple of tickets for her and Kim into the MCC Reserve for the Saturday afternoon match!

The rest has just been the same old same old as life here plods along.  I helped a guy buy a new laptop and I have set it up for him.  He is going to pass on his old laptop to me which I will use as a backup for my desktop PC.

I have been messing around with a website named Reddit and the information available there is amazing.  Check out this website for instance:  Have a look inside some of the links as it may go to another complete page of links.  It is just mind blowing!  You can download and stream from these links.

From time to time we head out with a group from the Computer Club.  We introduced them to the local Miss HoiAn Vietnamese Restaurant.  They love it and we have been back there several times for a great meal and heaps of laughs.  It is a great little spot.  The photo isn't the best but I think you get the idea!

One of the chaps is a retired merchant seaman.  He was a lot more than just a merchant seaman and now lives on the third floor of a very large unit overlooking the Pumicestone Passage.  Another guy is a Vietnamese Vet and retired hairdresser.

We head out every month or so and enjoy ourselves.  As some will be away, our next get together will be a day at the Caloundra Races in early October.

As you can see we continue to enjoy ourselves.  The worst of winter has now passed and we have days often in the mid 20's with low teens overnight.  Bike riding is back on the agenda.  We managed almost totally without a heater this winter.  It may have gone on for the odd hour or two but that is all.

We are both well.  Trish is busy getting me ready to look after myself for a couple weeks.  I will find plenty to do while she is away!

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