Friday, July 20, 2018

Time For An Update!

Yes we are still both well and getting about OK!  It has been some time since I posted so here we go with all of our mundane stuff!

Firstly, and as usual a weather update!  It has been very, very cool first thing in the morning, sometimes taking till midday to become very pleasant and sunny!  We have had almost a whole week of things like "Is 6.6° but feels like 3.4°" first thing in the morning.  And it has taken to well after 10 am to warm up enough to even consider a bike ride!  As a result, I haven't ridden at all for most of this week.

But I have had a couple of walks.  I think I need to do quite a few more.  I have learned that bike riding uses very different muscles to walking!  But I can have a 30 minute walk on a windy day and not find it unpleasant whereas getting on the bike on windy days isn't much fun.

It was OK weather wise to ride this morning but it was a bottle washing a put another brew on day today which kept me busy up until well after 10 am.  Maybe I will head off for a walk after lunch.

I help this older guy (Mick) out with his computer and his Nvidia Shield box.  Mick has a small office set up in his garage where he has his computer and usually I head there first to update whatever needs updating.  With heaps of Windows 10 updates recently he repeatedly loses links and stuff so I usually try and put stuff back where he likes it.

Updates often knock out his "Start Is Back" program.  It's a little program that makes Windows 10 look and behave like Windows 7 and makes his computer experience a lot more familiar.  His laptop is getting on now, some of the keys on the keyboard work intermittently and he is looking to update.  We are keeping our eyes open for a good deal for him.

He wants me to have this old laptop (with an AMD8) after he replaces it.  I have a wifi keyboard which I would use to bypass the laptop's sticky keyboard.

I updated his addons on Kodi for him and he seems quite happy.  I pulled the garage door cord to open the garage door to go home and nothing happened.  It wasn't the right thing to do as pulling the cord doesn't get the door to open, it disengages the motor from the door.  After about 10 minutes hunting around he found the manual for the roller door and the whole thing had to be reset again.

I could reach up to the controls where as Mick needed a step ladder to reach.  Mick is a Vietnam vet and being small in size he usually headed up the patrol when they were in the jungle.  I can't imagine me doing anything like that.  Anyway after about 30 minutes trial and error reaching well up above my head to fiddle with and press buttons, we had it all set up again and working well.

That night I noticed pain in my lower right leg and come around 2am it was to the medicine cabinet for a Mobic (muscle relaxant) and Panodol as the leg was aching.  Repeatedly reaching up to the adjust the garage door had knocked my back out of whack!  I am off to the Chiro this afternoon.

We have had a minor problem with playback on our old PayTV box.  We record very few shows but do like to watch a great footy panel program (AFL 360) the next day at around 4pm.  But we get major pixelation throughout the playback for a short second or so and up to 6 times each playback. It isn't anything major but a little annoying.

So I rang the provider and they asked me to monitor the box for a week, note the problem over that time and if the problem persisted, they would replace the box with the latest model.  A rang back a week later, the problem hadn't improved so they sent me out a replacement latest model whizz bang  box as a 'self install".

Our current paytv box is much older and the wiring connections are almost the same but not exactly!  The old box has 4 connections on the back, the new box only has only 3!  And of course there aren't any instructions on how to upgrade from our current model box to the latest IQ3.  Fortunately there was a Help Forum where I managed to get some advice and how to get around the hassle.  It meant using a 'splitter' to divide the current Free To Air connection, now one goes to the new IQ3, and the other to the TV.  And it works fine.

I will swap it all around on Monday, after this week's footy has finished.  The new box has access to streaming programs and needs an internet connection.  The hole in the wall now has 2 leads passing through it.  It works fine!

I won't bore you with the bank sending us new cards which required trips to the bank and activation online.  I suggest the banks website was built by someone who never was going to use it to try to activate a card.

The instructions told me to go online, put in a range of numbers and I could set a PIN for the cards.  Just prior to putting in my new PIN number and after messing around online for 20 minutes I was told to put in my Bank Client Number.  So I put in Trish's number as I don't have one!  It was only then a message popped up and said that I had to personally go into the bank and get my own Client Number as I couldn't use Trish's number!

So after we sorted all that out, a trip to the bank, wait in line to be served, get sorted and then back home, online again and go through everything, set my PIN number and I was ready to buy!  So this morning I head into Bunnings, I buy the TV lead bits I need for the new PayTv box self install and to the self check out to use my newly activated with its new PIN.  All goes well until I use Paywave and the purchase is cancelled as there is a fault with the card.  The second Amex card I also sorted works fine.

Off to second shop to buy a lead, Paywave again doesn't work but slotting the card into the reader and the sale goes through!  So there will be another trip into the bank, wait in line to be served, get the card sorted and so on ........

My new watch is great.  It is telling me I need to walk more and not sit around on the computer all day!  I already knew that!

Lucky I have plenty of spare time!

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