Sunday, July 08, 2018

Don't Let The Sunshine Fool You!

The photo here looks wonderful, a neighbour is out mowing his lawn wearing a T-Shirt and there isn't a cloud in the sky.  It is another one of those 'but it feels like' days.  I was watching the Aussie Rules footy from Brisbane yesterday and the commentators were saying how the warm humid weather and around 25° was effecting the team from Melbourne.  They weren't used to it being mid winter and so warm.

All that blew away last night when a cold, gusty, dry southerly arrived this morning.  Today around lunchtime it is one of those is 17° but feels like 12° days.  There is a strong wind blowing from the south and it is cold!

So what's the news?  The young guy doing the front garden for us eventually got back to me after 10 days or so.  I told hm we didn't want anything done as his failure to communicate with us meant we believed he was no longer interested and we went ahead and did all the purchasing and planting by ourselves!

All we need now is to put wood chips over the garden.  You can buy that in bags nowadays so a few bags here and there and all will be done.

The new brew (brewed as a backup) has been bottled as well.  The cloudy brew which I suspect won't be any good at all has been allowed to settle and is looking a bit more like it should.  I have another week to go before it may be ready to have a test drink.  But I have heaps of supplies right now.

Trish and I are both interested in the footy again with both teams recording wins so far this weekend.

Last Monday's Community Association Management Committee meeting has come and gone.  The killer is getting the information onto the website the next day which can take some time to get right.  But that is all water under the bridge now.

My latest electronic toy has arrived from China.  It is an allegedly unbranded Iwownfit Watch Band.  They are different prices all over the internet ranging from around $33 to over $100 at Amazon.  It came in an Iwownfit box, has an Iwownfit instruction booklet and uses the Iwownfit Android App!  Of course I bought it at the $33+ price!

It works OK, may need an occasional good shake to get the watch face to light up.  It can tell me there is an email or a text message for me.  It transfers the time, weather and day and date info from my Xiaomi phone and shows on the watch face.

I do like the color screen  Click here: EBay Link

It kind of tells me how I slept last night, gives me the current temperature (if it has updated) and a weather symbol.  It will also record my steps and I believe it will tell me how far I have ridden on a bike ride.  OK for $33 delivered.

The version of Paint Shop Pro I now use on my computer keeps giving me the message that I am using a pirated copy of the program.  Following a little web browsing and Google/DuckDuckGo, those messages have stopped appearing at the moment.

I find the Internet Search Engine called DuckDuckGo allows me to visit and search many of the websites I want to visit.  Google is filtering out many 'pirate' sites while DuckDuckGo let's me research what I want to research, not what it wants me to research!

I have also discovered an incredible web family at "Reddit".  It is a series of forums covering many subjects and pieces of interest.  It takes me an hour or so to work my way through some of the forums I have found.

So life progresses along nice and quietly here on the Sunshine Coast.

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